Vanilla: Nevetsie 60 orc hunter Schism
BC: Reppiks 29 holy paladin isa beast
Wrath and after: Sack / Cptawesome / Reppiks / Notskilled Grovestreet
You Must Be This Tall? Do you remember a Tauren hunter named Fritzz by chance?
Dying - Undead Rogue- Dooms Children/Afterlife
Jerock- Tauren Shaman- Dooms Children/Afterlife.
I remember fighting you for gear. hehe
No idea how i didnt see this Atheris!!! just send from amirite#1499
My first server back in the day.
name was Lightemup undead mage
Jdubb Tauren Druid
and i had a priest but i cant remember the name.
Everytime i think of frostmane horde i think of thieve ninjaing stuff lard sitting on the crossroads mailbox and this absolute gem
Waddup Guys
I used to be a female undead mage called “Stickygreenz” also went by the name “Babycakes”
Lookin for anyone in
I remember a lot of WSG’s agaist you.
-Babycakes undead mage
Waddup Shina, this is Babycakes, undead mage we used to pvp together.
Corco - Crime Syndicate, MXI, Kinetic
Vulcan- Undead Mage
Blacksunn- Blood Elf Paladin
The only guild I can remember is Rewind. Played with Zascha, Zehne, and whomever the guild leader was at the time.
Holy crap, you were the big bear always telling stories in Crossroads as I recall.
GroveStreet #1