Frostmane Horde Reconnections

Deathmagnet - Troll - Mage

Mage class lead for DoomsChildren/Afterlife

Man these old guild names really bring me back.


Baby crikey, i know you

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Febrezus - was a mage back then.
Chexmex - Paladin
Vizidroth - Rogue
Febrezee - Hunter

Kalinaj, whats happening mate :smiley: ? Took me a while to figure it I was like Hads, hmm. Oh wait.

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I used to play an orc hunter named Cutsman on Frostmane. I still do, but I used to as well.

Korrupt, Afterlife, Ænigma, Grovestreet, Final Countdown etc.

This is Cutsman. Selling Alchemy. OVER


Sanka - Troll Mage
Force of Will / Kinetic

Hello, friends.

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Sorrowtears, <frostmane/FMG>
hai frienz


i still remeber you logging off without doing loot in that bwl…


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Sanka you son of a biscuit eating bulldog, this is Kalinaj, add me right now. coop#12397

Hi friend, how are ya?

Added bro.

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Oh wow. Thanks for reminding me of Dooms Children. Couldn’t remember the guild name for the life of me.

I was Leone, troll rogue.


So, to me, it seems like the thing to do is for all of us to hop on the same server when the list goes live?

I assume we are all NA… Should we use this thread to determine the server name to roll our toons on when the time comes?


They apparently dropped the realm list.

|Name|Type|Time Zone|

|Name|Type|Time Zone|
|Name|Type|Time Zone|
|Bloodsail Buccaneers|RP|Eastern|

Based on this, I’m looking at the Fairbanks realm.


Lykan / Corrupt / Insanguinate aka Sightblinder’s brother…
Armatu / SCH and a couple others small ones

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Marador - Tauren Enhance Shaman
Undeadness - Undead Rogue

Mainly just lived in BGs

Warrmonger -Tauren Warrior

Anyone from Feelin Hordy around?

I was a tank/fury dps clearing MC, broke up shortly after Rag.

If I am remembering correctly the GM was Shaktor (SP?) and I think one of the other tanks was Alvis?

Runnin - Tauren Shaman


lived in the BG’s

Midajah Undead Mage.

I was mostly in Sin City Horde and Korrupt.

I do not have anyone in particular I would like to reunite with, as I still talk to most of the people I played with, but if you want add me on real id. Midi#11264.


Did you change your phone number? I tried to call you like 6 months ago. get at me bro.