Frost Trap should be UNUSABLE IN AV NOW

its so toxic playing as horde right now into that discusting ability.

I hope the Devs log on and do some AV’s as horde this weekend. NASTY STUFF 12 hunters camping bridge.

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Edit your title to AV

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Hunters just using their tool kit to their advantage.

Its pretty nasty 4 hunters and a healer can wipe the full horde rush at the bridge.


Don’t worry the nerf is on the horizon they have already removed frost trap from the launcher next entrapment will be disabled in pvp and only 1 instance of frost trap will be allowed to be active in an 80 yard radius. Also explosive trap damage will be reduced by 80%. Also lonewolf rune will be removed so hunters are forced into using worthless pets again.

That’s hilarious because strong pets is where hunter started. Non hunters players despise hunters :joy:

They aren’t strong at all currently though…the nerfs they received were effective and lasting.

This appears to be true…non-hunters will not stop complaining until hunter is deleted from the game…devs should ignore non-hunter players entirely.

Pets are supposed to be an additional source of damage and utility not an Indominus Rex… get over it.

My b just edited

Its funny dont get me wrong but i want to get rid of my subscription so badly when its nothing but 300 yards of frost trap in a narrow 1 way path to an objective.

My argument there is that if you are Beast Mastery spec then your pet should be an absolute monster.

Or do you just want to remove an entire spec from the game?

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You already cried and got frost trap removed from the trap launcher. Now you want it removed from the game?

The hunters have to be on the bridge to trap the bridge. Where is your ranged picking them off or you Death Knigh… Warriors gripping them into your murder ball?

This sounds like a learn to play issue to me.

You already cried and got frost trap removed from the trap launcher. Now you want it removed from the game?

Did i say the GAME or AV? (sounds like a reading issue) … u want to know where my ranged are? slowed in a trap thats 40 yards back while the hunter is weaving in and out between 40 - 42 yards away shooting them. your question answers itself.

I can meet in the middle with you and say im cool with leaving it in AV, just get rid of rush meta to compensate.

traps were never balanced around being usable in combat. simple as :expressionless:

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It is hilarious how bad pet AI has been for all of classic. I loved pets on private servers when they were not complete garbage. Now I can’t send my pet at a target further than 60 yards away and it dies in 2 attacks bugs out all the time can’t find a path to target 50% of the time…

I get it. I play hunter too. I was mostly just making a comment about how it’s funny that the power has shifted from pets to melee and then to traps, and how we’re going to end up going full circle like you said. I don’t think the classic community wants hunter to shine.

After years of garbage pet ai I am enjoying not having to deal with them. And my favorite pserver spec was intim/scatter/entrap most annoying thing of all time. But for whatever reason blizz just cant figure out vanilla pets. I maind enh in wotlk and I loved watching my pets stare at enemy healers standing on a ledge 2 inches above them in ruins of lorderon and do nothing.

PvPers especially take advantage of weak points.
Why shouldn’t Hunters be able to use their slow trap in the best places?

Spoiler: Because you don’t like it

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Stop rushing, problem solved!

They need to reopen the backdoor to the alliance base

Don’t think they need to be removed since its part of the class, just add some DR to them. Being chain trapped for full duration’s is in issue.

Horde win 98% of AV games so idk why you crying