Frost DK iLVL 608 - Illidan Server

Good morning Drendon,

I am the GM of an emerging guild on the Zul’jin server that is looking to take on AOTC and have fun while doing it. We provide a low pressure environment where you can learn and hone your skills while clearing the content that you want to. Our raid times are 7:30pm - 10:00pm EST on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We recently started raiding and have already pushed through Normal in one shot and will be ready to take on Heroic soon. We’d love to see you on our roster and be able to help you reach AOTC and possibly even KSM!

I have linked our recruitment post below that you can feel free to browse. But if you want to chat and see if you’d be a good fit, my contact information is also below:

Discord: Grumpymerlin Grumpymerlin#1837