Frost DK 11.0.5 GA IS DEAD

The more deserving classes are the the underrepresented masses in Mythic+.

Any spec that isn’t meta needs to be brought up to speed along with simultaneous nerfs to the top performers.

Break the strong and strengthen the weak.

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard today.

Ooo let me act like a toddler like you.
Warlock bad! No like damage! All you do is press chaos bolt and rain of fire and you do S tier dps! Blizzard nerf!

If you are a grown man/woman throwing a temper tantrum like this take a look at your life… yikes.

Heres a crazy idea… buff underperforming classes so they are just as viable as those performing in current content? Shocking I know. Plus you dont get to decide the “deserving” classes… your ego is showing and its pretty clear you have nothing better to do than spout nonsense towards a specific spec.

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What a disturbing hyperbolic reenactment to read.


Nerf the strong and buff the weak.

What do you think would happen if they always buff the underperformers which there is always going to be underperformers?

It’s just a runaway power creep, nerfs are necessary.

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I don’t fully understand how Simbots can get 916k or so dps on single target while I struggle to break 650k with the same buffs. My spell sequence isn’t that much different from the simulation.

Contrast that with my Shadow Priest, which is more complex than Frost, and I can get 700k dps on single target with no buffs while the Sim gets around 830k with buffs.

The stat scaling can’t be linear. But I also think you need a perfect connection with like <50ms ping to weave in all free howling blasts, which I never get.

If you’re playing DB, you have to be REALLY lucky to get Reaper’s Mark reapplication during Exterminate casts repeatedly. Simbots is taking the best log of many simulations which means it’s likely picking the log with most Reaper’s Mark reapplications + crit.

You do see Enhanced and Ele gapping Frost by over a million in the top keys right?

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If you’re able to get close to your SPriest sims but not your FDK then it’s purely a skill issue. You’re likely doing something wrong with the Frost rotation; the Acherus discord can help you out with finding the root cause if you post a log there.

That’s not remotely true. Simbots takes the mean of the 80k~+ iterations that it runs. When you look at the full HTML report it shows you your possible DPS distributions which covers really poor RNG and really good RNG.


I said my sequence isn’t much different from the sim. I use my first 6 runes (2 oblits, D&D, and remorsless winter or just 3 oblits). Then I pop BoS, trinket, and pillar all on one macro, then use the instant runes from initiating BoS to apply reaper’s mark. I macro Horn of winter and ERW together when I get low on runic power as well as arcane torrent when I can’t spam anymore obliterates. I try to weave in rime/HB, especially during pillar to get more critical oblts. to apply more stacks of reaper’s mark (not so much an issue with the recent change to DB with RP abilities applying stacks now). Then on the next two pillars/reaper’s mark, I do FS/Oblit weaves and try to build up some RP before pillar.

So I don’t know what you think I’m doing wrong, I just know my details damage doesn’t get close to raidbots sim.

Having a .1 second ping is actually a good connection for me. I don’t live down the street from the servers like those on the coasts. I think that’s a big part of it considering Frost is much more spammy requiring more casts.

Frost dk damage was never that high, and i dont understand why people think it was. Rets, rogues, shamans were all doing the same or more damage.

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frost dk not dead they running +16 keys

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I do not agree with the nerfs to frost DK and it is always easier to buff underperforming specs.

To deal with runaway power creep BlizZard can tune gear. enchants and gems that amplify damage for all classes and specs.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Not true about ret.


Not true. It’s easier to nerf 3 specs as opposed to buffing several specs.

You have to have nerfs. What do people think would happen with constant buffs? I’m serious. If you are always buffing the underperformers then you just get runaway power creep, there has to be nerfs. Bosses are tuned around certain raid DPS figures.

They can nerf gear scaling and leave classes alone so they flow better.

Not true because the nerfs don’t resolve the issue that other specs are under powered still and feel bad to play.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

You do understand what you just stated is the exact opposite, right?

I concur IMVHO and as a Rogue I can confirm.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: