Frost 2s pvp in 8.3?

Why does 2s feel so awful as frost? do I need to play tunnel of ice/flash freeze? what makes this char shine?


Nope frost just sucks huge balls in 2’s its basicly fire and maybe arcane in certain comps


:frowning: I really hope they balance this. I only play 2s and have been playing frost since Jan 06 or something. I have 18,000 2s on this mage, 5000+ on another, 2000 on another, and 2000 on another. I have a lot of 2s played and its been crap this xpac

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Frost mage and resto Druid is really good combo. Can’t really kill either, infinite cc and kiting.

Gotta have a good Druid that knows how to play kitty heals.

To be fair though, good kitty rdruid + anything can be really good :laughing:

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It’s so much more toxic to face with a frost mage though. Imagine just how much more breathing room each one gets with perms snares from mage, and roots, bash and cyclone support.

You are so right! RestroDruid Frost is really good. I’ve played with a resto druid before this season and its awesome. They just have to be decent and you can climb. Other than that, frost is not really in a good spot. I did some with an outlaw rogue; seemed really good. I can never find an outlaw rogue though.

it just sucks everyone at 2k mmr is a glad on their alt with 480ilvl. This game is about gear.

Frost does not suck. You are going to want to have everything revolve around Glacial Spike. Go this route…

  1. Flash Freeze and Frigid Grasp x3
  2. Major Essence: Blood of The Enemy.
  3. Minor Essence: Lucid Dreams, Vision of Perfection, Breath of The Dying.
  4. Stack as much mastery as you can.
  5. Trinkets should all be for damage, Intellect > mastery.
  6. Talents should be Bone Chilling, Glacial Insulation, Incanter’s Flow, Frozen Touch, Frigid Winds, Splitting Ice, and Glacial Spike.
  7. PvP talents should be Frostbite, Deep Shatter, and Temporal Shield.
  8. Corruption should be chance to receive 900 mastery proc for 10 seconds upon damaging an enemy. Stack the hell out of this.

Here’s your rotation…

  1. Cast Frostbolt until you have Glacial Spike
  2. When your mastery corruption procs, use Icy Veins (with your trinkets macrod to it.), pop Blood of The Enemy and whale that Glacial Spike immediately to your target. Use your pet freeze right before it hits so it’s more likely to crit.

You will more than likely kill whoever you target. It’s nearly guaranteed a 1 shot. My highest crit in arenas so far has been 469K and that doesn’t even count the brain freeze flurries I throw right before it.

it does not suck I know. it will only get you as far as your team mates are good. There is a slight carry achievable by playing frost but its nothing much more than the average of the both of you +100-200rating.

Bruh you obviously don’t play ranked frost in arena because glacial spike has not been viable in forever. You always take Ray of Frost because getting glacials off is very hard and makes you easy to punish. Nobody runs it, Raiku is the highest fmage heck him, check venruki, all say it sucks. hasn’t been okay in arenas since Legion dude.

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Umm…all you have to do is have them waste their DRs on you, pick one to stun lock, and hit him for 300K~ 400K. Gspike was never viable until corruption came about. When people start getting 90-100 corruption resistance, you can stack 6200 mastery proc with a little hit to corruption and do 600K+ crits easily. At that point, skill is useless other than timing it right on your enemy.

So I don’t really follow you unless you’re talking about pre 8.3.

Idk man, I want against a frost mage and shadow priest in 2s and you couldn’t touch either one. Super frustrating as a ret pal.

Cool but nobody plays but. No one high rated uses it, no one decent rated, and i’ve never seen it once. I’ve tried it and glacials dont hit hard. Maybe if you are actually maxed out mastery but it is not the norm what so ever. Also against decent players it’s really easy to see the build up. Usually 5 fb and they can just time their stuff around your window and hug corners.

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I do it all the time.