<From Ashes> [A/H][Whisperwind/Dentarg] LFM

From Ashes is a fun, social, and mature guild on the Alliance side of the Whisperwind/Dentarg server. We have been a guild for 8 years now! We came together out of a strong desire to form a family-like community who wanted to play the game in a friendly low key environment while still managing to kick butt and have a good time doing so.
Have a full time job? Kids? Need an environment that understands that real life comes first? From Ashes is for you! We cater to those 21 and older who want to do anything from raiding to mythic + to farming old achievements and mounts.

Our raid team likes to have fun in a low stress environment while pushing normal and heroic progression. We expect raiders to be on time and prepared with food, flasks, enchantments and consumables, along with a basic understanding of the fights. Inexperienced? We are willing to help you learn, as long as you are willing to put the effort in for us as well!

We raid Sunday and Wednesday, 8pm-10pm CST (server time), and are 8/8 H Nerub’ar Palace.

Currently, we are looking for dps with heal OS, but anyone interested is welcome!

Not interested in raiding? We do everything from mythic + dungeons and N/H raiding to WQs and alt runs to achievement, xmog, and mount runs and other fun events. We are looking for all classes to build up multiple consistent Mythic+ dungeon teams as well! We could really use a few more casual tanks and healers interested in M+!

Are you ready to rise? Contact me via BattleTag: Chelusa#1974 OR contact one of our officers in game: Jyou (GM), Namaah (myself, Officer), Woody (officer)

Bumping for an Awesome Guild.

Do you have discord? Would love to chat

Yes! You can add my discord: chelusa#2157

You know want to join the most awesome guild on Whisperwind. Fun times are definitely ahead.

How about a DPS with a healing OS lol

Yes that sounds great too :smiley:

Hi Namaah, I am primarily a healer Resto Shaman (with DPS off-spec). I was seeking a mature, family-friendly guild when I came across your post. I enjoy raiding, dungeons, delves, world quests, and other aspects of WoW content. I am looking for a group that values community and enjoys a progression-focused atmosphere. My BattleTag is Pigeonbutt#1869 (named after something my daughter used to say). Let me know if you are interested.

I added you! Looking forward to talking :slight_smile:

How are you on Monks? I have a WW I’ve been gearing up. Are you holding the lockout or starting fresh this week?

We have 1 monk. We are holding our queen lockout until we down here and then starting fresh.


Player since Burning Crusade. Old guild dissolved when folks got busy with kids/work/etc… I didn’t play the last expansion, but am now back and enjoying the game. I used to be heroic/mythic raider, but these days am mostly content to run M+.
If possible, I’d be interested in joining as a casual/social member.
I have a 623 Holy/Shadow priest as my main, with several other classes in various states of gear. Always willing to help someone out, and am a no drama kind of person.

We would love to have you :slight_smile: Feel free to hit me up via my btag, discord, or in game!

Added you on Discord to learn a little more!

We are still looking for more to join our family!

We are still seeking someone to keep this awesome DK alive.
Message today, this deal is to good to pass up.

We are looking for one more healer for our raid team! Also accepting dps though :slight_smile:

Awesome guild to be a part of. Laid back and fun.