Frog Farmer Nerf Hit non-Farmers

I didn’t frog farm but got a thread nerf and the bronze quest now doesn’t spawn for me. I was out by frogs for a little bit on 2 days over the previous weekend doing my daily for the epoch stones because it was the easiest way to get it done. I know a few people that did frog farming, got the nerf, but still got the bronze quest.

Hoping this is the quest just not popping up yet from some sort of delay/bug but if due to getting marked when I shouldn’t have then that’s pretty stupid.


Same for me. Looks like they just targeted people who had a lot of threads, regardless of how they got them.


I killed frogs for less than 5 minutes and cant get the quest. Its complete nonsense. This game mode is absolute trash.

Same here… I didn’t farm frogs like countless others did and only did it for maybe 10 minutes and was over it so I stopped and didn’t even get a cloak nerf but I can’t get the quest either… so messed up

3 of you just admitted you frog farmed(for however long), and got hit with the nerf for frog farming…puzzling.


i also dont have the quest. :frowning:

Because the nerf was supposed to hit people that did an inordinate amount of frog farming:

So it’s supposed to target people who did frog farming for hours to days, not people who did it for maybe 20 minutes and left, or people who just happened to be in the area doing other quests of which the frogs are legitimate targets for said quests.

What’s especially puzzling is that I got the 40k bronze for being a good boy, then nerfed to 2500 all stat+25k stamina when I logged off and back into the game.

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I believe it wasn’t just the frog killers, its all the de-generate farming, the goats/everything.

Interesting that the datamining didn’t catch other criteria for blizzard determining farms other than the frog farm, then…