Friendly guild is building for AOTC raiding!

We are full on healers on our raid team, but could use awesome people like you to join our guild and add to our roster of key pushers!

We have officially cleared 8/8N. Now onto Heroic and AOTC. Still need DPS to round out our roster. Bonus points if you’re willing to raid lead!

Would love to join you guys Darkdream#11723

Super interested!! There are 3 of us - RShaman - RPaly- and Fdk. we are a family group looking for a place to call home, and can play any day of the week / your raid schedule fits us perfectly. we are fairly new to this xpac and still learning mechanics but have cleared lfr and most of normal on our own. if you want to chat and may be interested in my crew add me on bnet ! mental1973#1401

I added you!

I added you on Bnet. Let’s talk!

awesome! im getting ready to head out the do for an appt in like 5 min or so, but after that i will be on pretty much all day, looking forward to chatting :slight_smile:

Sounds great! Looking forward to it.

Hey, you know what would be really cool? If you joined a super cool guild called CTRL ALT Defeat! That’d be really cool!

We need DPS still! Oh! And a raid leader! (Preferably DPS)

bump , small but mighty!

Like the above comment says, we are small but mighty! Looking for people of all experience and skill levels and those that are just looking for a great home to be a part of.

We have spots open still! Trying to find those last few great people to fill out the raid team. Casuals are welcome too!

I’m looking for a guild just started yesterday. Level 28 now not sure why it won’t update. Looking forward to finding a nice guild but seems hard to do as guild finder in game no1 has responded. I hope to hear from you guys soon if you’ll take me i am in game now

Hi Rafflez! We’d love to have you! Feel free to add me on Discord or

Discord: Grumpymerlin Grumpymerlin#1837

or drop your contact info below and I’ll reach out to you!

i added u on :slight_smile: thanks hope to hear from you soon

Looking for DPS! Specifically Monk, Druid, Rogue, Death Knight or Demon Hunter!

Morning bump!

Evening Bump!!! Great group of people here

Afternoon bump! Still looking for DPS! We have a great group of people and a relaxed vibe, while still getting stuff done! Come try us out!

Morning bump! We are now looking for a new tank and DPS. If you are a tank raid leader or a DPS raid leader, please reach out to me!