Friend Addon Causing Problems?

Hello all.

Recently my guild members and I have been having some harassment issues. This person was our old GM (mind you, we’re all adults here), and was upset that we left because we were tired of running their guild as staff with their ridiculous requests and did not want to be associated with their toxicity.

The last two weeks when one of our members log on, the old GM or their staff will post their guild recruitment immediately. They will not only do that, but post directly after ours. If they see us in Oribos, they will walk up to us and stand next to us. Some of us have /ignored these people, but even on alts they will do it.

I was wondering if there was a friend addon that allows you to add people to see when they log without your knowing and potentially see your location. As their guild recruitment immediately after logging on is getting very stalker-ish. And if there is this addon, if there would be a way to block it?

Thank you in advance.

if they know your battlenet id and have added that then they will get a notification when one of your characters enters the game.

your location isnt hard to find once they know you are online, and on which character

whispered (probably not if youve got them on ignore), or an actual guild recruitment thing? i thought the latter could only be sent to non guilded players that dont have guild recruitment blocked?

if joining a guild, and/or blocking guild invites doesnt work then you can always lodge harassment complaints with blizzard

if they know your battlenet id and have added that then they will get a notification when one of your characters enters the game.

This person was removed from all of our bnets prior to this happening. This is why we were wondering if there was an addon that you can add characters as “friends” to that shows when they log on.

whispered (probably not if youve got them on ignore), or an actual guild recruitment thing? i thought the latter could only be sent to non guilded players that dont have guild recruitment blocked?

Guild recruitment messages in trade/general chats. They even made a point when we changed ours to copy part of it and add it to theirs, then post again in trade immediately after. Hence, the /ignore. From my understanding it only works per toon, so it’s been taking a moment when we all have multiple max level alts where we will post our guild recruitment if we’re traveling in Oribos. None of us have characters that are guildless. When we left, we made a new guild where all our characters reside, and that was 3 months ago, and this problem started happening approximately 2 weeks ago.

-edit- Using this toon because I don’t feel comfortable using my main, sorry for the confusion if it seemed like I’m a new player or something.

Open a ticket and provide as much detail about dates/times/characters as you can. The situation will likely be seen as a code of conduct violation.

From a technical standpoint they’re probably running a recruitment addon of some kind that’s searching for /who g-"guild name" then messaging everyone it finds.

Blocking them at the BNet level should prevent all communication regardless of alts.

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