Our Friday night raid is looking for more gamers to join us for the push into Undermine with 11.1.
- 6pm invites, 6:30pm first pull, 9:30pm last pull (PST/Aerie Peak realm time)
- Experienced leadership
- Chill, respectful, and fun discord environment
- Mostly a collection of old school raiders
- Need another tank and a few dps
- Don’t have to join the guild but we have one available if that’s what you’re looking for
The core of the group has a long record of multiple AOTC achieves in heroic and mythic difficulty across several expansions going back to patch 1.4. We keep it 100% business in voice chat while boss killing but without being jerks. We love meeting fellow OG raiders, but we don’t mind welcoming new comers to the game either.
Come raid the casino with us! We’re currently doing weekly clears of H Nerub-ar and looking forward to the new zone. Contact Nalda#1338 for more info.