Friday Forum recap - 6 - Monday ohmahgawd edition

Neither do you

As someone who is 49395938382-1 to you

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since you have the social intelligence of a hamster, you should probably be aware that every time you end a post with what i quoted above, it screams “i’m insecure” lmao

it’s okay. we get it. you’re seething. but you don’t have to be a pathetic loser forever, bud

lord knows what i would do if i was you with no hope, but you have hope, right?

do you mean how you stop posted on your warlock when you went 0-6 in my lobby lmao?

Remember when swole made a dk alt named Budhee he replied to himself as and then when everyone called him out on it that dk disappeared


probably your alt. you have a history of hiding your toons. like your checkpvp is all hidden. i love all of this projection! its so easy to spot.

Remember when swole made a thread about being the #1 enhance day 1 of the season and after 1300 games hes hardstuck 2k until inflation


do you remember going 0-6 in that lobby and pre ignoring me lol? you robbed me of my chance to rub it in your face.

I insta ignored you in the first lobby because youre too fried to even acknowledge

but you dont ignore me on here? hmmmmmmm.

and then you stop posting on your lock that very same day. hmmmmmmmmmmmm

I do actually i just enjoy reminding you that you will never have friends ingame or irl and will never be accepted in this community

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oh not we’re back to that lmao. can’t win in game so you resort to “i have more parasocial relationships than you” LMAO.

Anyways i got stuff to do. Im sure youll be in here for the next 12 hours insta replying to people during your hot dog turning shift

bye buddy. have a good one.

Have a bad one

you’re so clever!

Just kiss already.


They have been for the past like 3 hours lmao

Whoa now, he is providing a service to us. Please be respectful.

Also who would have known how successful Friday recap threads can be when posted on Mondays? Those stuck at work have a lot to say I guess.

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Dont worry about the body type 2 nelf player. That swears it isnt for the art. He only knows howto argue and not entertain people. Hes a troll

Maaaaaan they put pickles on my Popeyes sandwich and now like half of it tastes vaguely like pickles.

Still better than Mickey D’s.