How did you do this font?!
Yea i was spamming arenas and smashing keys on my keyboard. A better one comes out tomorrow in return for the discount weekly
Dirty can prove i was he was at my last game when i conjured the pic in like 10 seconds lmao
Yo lmao i have my trinket binded to the key next to the number 1 on my keyboard and when im spamming charge i usually fat finger it and waste the trinket lol but its 100% the healers fault
Just imagine the state of the keys on my keyboard after reading that btw
LOLOLOL my tilde is stopcast but el oh el man. all so perfect
Image needs to be tol’vir or that weird shadowlands futureland giant place to properly portray getting mercilessly blasted by casters from a mile away.
Ill make a new one when i get hoym jeez im workin ere
Mine is autorun
Bump for those who missed eet