Friday Forum Recap - 2

How did you do this font?!

Yea i was spamming arenas and smashing keys on my keyboard. A better one comes out tomorrow in return for the discount weekly

Dirty can prove i was he was at my last game when i conjured the pic in like 10 seconds lmao

Yo lmao i have my trinket binded to the key next to the number 1 on my keyboard and when im spamming charge i usually fat finger it and waste the trinket lol but its 100% the healers fault

Just imagine the state of the keys on my keyboard after reading that btw

LOLOLOL my tilde is stopcast but el oh el man. all so perfect

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Image needs to be tol’vir or that weird shadowlands futureland giant place to properly portray getting mercilessly blasted by casters from a mile away.

Ill make a new one when i get hoym jeez im workin ere

Mine is autorun :open_mouth:

Bump for those who missed eet