Freya and the Shadowlands

I don’t think the Arbiter is Elune. I’m fairly sure the Arbiter is just a brand new character, like the Jailer is. Much to be seen when we get to play Shadowlands, though.

The arbiter can move in the Shadowlands where Bwonsamdi’s realm is located. Unlike Sylvanas, Arthas or any other necromancer, they are present in this world and only when they die are grabbed to the maw which again Bwonsamdi is very against it

You claim you don’t ignore my points and yet you trip over your own words saying Bwonsamdi isn’t above with working with the Jailer or bending the balance to his favor which is by his own word "bad for business"

Do you have any proof of him working for the Jailer or just headcanons or yours?

How can be less souls for him? He outright says the real reason was because despite he is all for war, he doesn’t like situations getting out of control as Sylvanas is doing aka no living=no more souls=Shadowlands fades away and so him probably

Yet again you still ignore all his dialogues and character progression

First here :

If he truly doesn’t care about nothing but himself, then why in the world helps Vol’jin to uncover about this mystery instead of just grabbing him to his realm or say Talanji to just kill more souls for him and instead warn her and Baine about Sylvanas intentions?

Besides it’s pretty obvious his boss is the Arbiter that gave him jurisdiction over troll souls and what they kill which doesn’t seem to be a bad one as Sen’jin said to his son in the novel Shadows of the Horde


I mean, if he is working with the Jailer, then his word doesn’t mean much. Really, Bwonsamdi has a Boss, by his own word. This could be the Jailer, this could be the Arbiter… I don’t see anyone else it could be. Assuming Bwonsamdi isn’t corrupt and working for the Jailer, he I see the Arbiter being his boss, as she is the one who would be responsible for sending souls to The Other Side.

I don’t think Bwonsamdi’s word is evidence. If he was serving the Jailer and named Sylvanas Warcheif, he wouldn’t just come right out and say it. I am not sure who Bwonsamdi serves, but I don’t think he is safe from the Villain bat.

Personally, I think Elune is the Arbiter and she is his boss.

It’s just as obvious (speculatively) that the Jailer wanted Vol’jin’s soul and was manipulating Vol’jin before his death before the Arbiter sent Vol’jin back. The Arbiter had no reason to be upset that Vol’jin was gone if the Arbiter was the one that sent Vol’jin back.

Neither of us have canon statements of who Bwonsamdi’s boss is. If you want to headcanon that it is the Arbiter that is in your interest to do so. We probably won’t find out until we have Shadowlands to play for ourselves.

I don’t think Elune is the Arbiter. But I’m personally holding out hope that Bwonsamdi’s boss is Helya, and that Helya is also working for the Jailer, but upset at Sylvanas.

I think if we are going to get an Elune reveal, her being the Arbiter, or perhaps the Arbiter is a avatar of Elune, it would make the most sense. Personally, I would rather the Elune question go unanswered, but I think her being the Arbiter is okay, and there is evidence for it.

The Arbiter is a faceless woman, and her sigil is a circle (moon) with a serpent inside. “The Crooked Serpent with no eyes is watching from an endless sky” Could be a connection between the serpent and the Moon.

“Feasting on Dead Stars” makes me think of how the deities of the Shadowlands are basically empowering themselves with the anima of souls. “Drown yourself in a circle of stars” we see Azshara drowning in a circle of dead Kaldorei. Stars being used by the same source in reference to Kaldorei.

And the Balance between life and death very much feels like Elune’s wheelhouse. Balance Druids being the obvious clue, but also the mythological influence of Elune and the Arbiter. The Moon has historically been used to represent such things, and Oribos being a name inspired from historical/,mythological items that symbolize the same.

It makes sense to me, but I wouldn’t be upset if I was wrong.

Lol, could be. I am not the biggest fan of Bwonsamdi. Not sure why people seem to like him… I guess because he looks cool? Wouldn’t mind seeing him to be the lowest death god on the totem pole.

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I actually like Bwonsamdi. He’s pretty fun, though obviously rather manipulating.

And I don’t disagree with your analysis, I just think Blizzard made the Arbiter with the intent of making a new character.

Eh the soul of Vol’jin was in a weird state in the fist part of his questline which at the current information available Vol’jin lost represented a grave part of him not being responsible in his duty only after G’huun events that Bwonsamdi send us to search for him and in 8.1 he finally sees what has become he devote

True but so far his dialogues are more align with the arbiter goals and ideology of balance. To me this is a good sign that Blizzard is slowly treating the non human as equals instead of their almost Imperium of Men propaganda narrative.

With Rokhan being made leader of the Darkspear, I think it more likely that Vol’jin will oust Bwonsamdi than I find it likely that Bwonsamdi would be championing for the Arbiter.

Doubt this is going to happend for the mere fact he helped him to contact with other death “entities” that has influence in the plane of Azeroth aka Bolvar and Eyir.

Vol’jin role is likely being an spiritual guide for the new cast of troll characters and honestly this or resurrecting him to be at charge of the horde one again are the best ways his character can go.

Besides I don’t want to see more gods being killed pointlessly, we have enough fodder no named soldiers to hype up badies

“The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.”

AKA: Freya is a literally a Vassal of Eonar, and thus a Vassal of the Life Binder. She also happens to have Green Eyes … so yah know, to really hammer that home.

I did find it interesting that out of the remaining keepers of Ulduar, Freya was the only one not seen during Legion.

Hunters meet up with Mimiron and Thorim for the BM weapon chain, also cosmetic stuff involving Hati. Warriors have Thorim and Hodir as followers. But Freya is nowhere to be seen.

I was hoping she would be in the druid order hall as a follower (due to her history involving the emerald dream), or at least made a cameo after Val’sharah story line to pay respects to Ysera. Either blizzard forgot about her (which is far more likely), or something has happened to her off screen.

If they went out of their way to include every single other surviving Keeper with the exception of Freya; there is no way in hell they forgot Freya. Its the same nonsense with Mal’Ganis … you know they didn’t forget about him considering he shows up in the Broken Shore scenario … but then never shows up again. Which means they are aware of his absence, and its deliberate.

Freya’s likely in the same boat.

Looks Cyan to me. Just like Cenarius and Nozdormu.

The only Green Eyed Vassals of Life are Ysera, Remulos and Malfurion. If Malfurion is out of the question due to being Alliance despite Archbishop Benedictus and Bishop Arthur being Evil Alliance then that leaves Ysera and Remulos.

OK, then the Ghost of Ysera who has mysteriously vanished from the Emerald Dream.

Considering the Void wants to paint itself as a force for good(“The king of diamonds has been made a pawn.” doesn’t count since Sylvanas was the one making him a pawn) she would have to have been corrupted by the Jailer…

Either that or the Arbiter is Elune and the true Big Bad of Shadowlands that the Jailer was supposed to imprison… Either possibility(Ysera corrupted by the Jailer despite Elune saving her or Elune being the Big Bad) makes Elune look bad.

I will concede you make a good point here.