Fresh wotlk server BUT

Wait a second… 90 days before they can boost and transfer!!! Never mind. I’ll do ma best to stay playing vanilla.

You failed on the bait and switch. Gotta get a better title.

Found the guy still angry about being Rick Rolled.

At least*

They will open transfers when they believe they can cash in on it. They are not going to “ensure the fresh experience” for these fresh realms

Do you have a source for this? It’s quite evident that they aren’t simply trying to milk the Classic series for every penny they possibly can, as if they were, they would have added name/sex/race/cosmetic changes for fees, charge fees for access to Classic expansions, and many other microtransactions that could have happened would have happened.


Paid character boost.


Paid server transfers.

If you really believe they are here to preserve the “true classic experience”, I have a bridge to sell you.

1 paid character per account leads to most players funding multiple subs/accounts. They don’t need to sell you small ancillaries to milk you.

No RDF leads to paid character transfers off of smaller realms. It leads to paid character boosts.

Blizzard are very intelligent and cunning when it comes to making money off of you in ways you do not understand


Likewise if you really believe they are only trying to milk the series for every last penny without trying to retain players by offering what “the community” wants, and doing what’s “best” for the game.

They aren’t going to retain players who will quit anyways. I don’t understand your point.

They will keep who will play regardless

While I appreciate Blizzard’s business model to make beaucoup money, what motivations fuel me as the classic conservative player to play wotlk?

I reckon that varies from person to person. The ecosystem at large seems to follow the same meta:

Level main, loot gear. Log off.

Log on alt, level, gear, join GDKP as buyer/carry. Collect much gold from said behavior.

Log on third alt, repeat process until they feel like stopping alts.

Raidlog till next xpac

The only counter I have for that response would be a fresh server I assume would not be likely to support the standard meta, unless meta is looking to exploit world resources.

Perhaps the intention was to target the meta and not conservative minded classic players. I think it would be a fun different way to play but… blizz I’m sure has it’s reasons on how they want to structure their model I guess

There is an audience who did not play tbc or quit early on. It is unattractive to these players to be apart of servers that are over 3 years old, where many players amassed incredible real estate through GDKP/gold buying/whatever and have 10 alts a piece.

The fresh realms give that crowd a fresh start.

However, these realms will not remain this way. Blizzard does not police bots and RMT, and GDKPS will make a return. That is ok, but if you are a player trying to avoid this system, you will not escape it. Once the transfers are lifted, these servers can take many different routes of change.

I believe the servers will be ok for these players, but it will not be long before it’s the same as every other server.

I do not understand the point of 50% xp boost on a fresh realm either. Sort of defeats the purpose. But to each his own

I wasn’t aware of this either. But you are right on your previous statement of blizzard being a money making machine.

I just hope they keep a haven for the vanilla players. Blizzard doesn’t want that kind of backlash again!

The 50% is so that people can get to 70 faster. Fresh isn’t only for casuals.