The polls I’m talking about are the email polls blizzard sent out. They have the email address of anyone who played their games, even those who no longer subscribe. And data about every one of those players. For example while there is one sub for retail and classic blizzard knows how many play only classic, only retail, and both. They even have data on hours played and which game a player spends most time on if they play both.
The one I’m talking about is this one:
The one that wasn’t up for very long.
Yes, I get and understand that. Has nothing to do with Polls and Surveys being “accurate”.
EDIT: In fact, I’m inclined to agree that they use that information more than Polls and Surveys.
Not every one is a no life loser who can spend hours every day leveling characters from 1 to 60 that they just spent time leveling up from 1 to 60. What cracks me up is the no life losers think they are the norm when they are just a tiny fraction of the player base. They always have been.
Experiencing the content alongside others doing the same is the main draw for many to a mmo. What difference does it make if that socialization happens while killing hogger, grinding dungeons, or raiding?
“No life losers”? Are you for real dude?
Sounds like mmos are not for you.
No you don’t understand it. If you understood statistics and were capable of statistical analysis you would know that having sufficient data to create a poll with a representative sample is the gold standard of polling accuracy. /shrug I can’t and didn’t come here to teach a course on statistics. Think what you like or better yet read a little until you have at least a basic understanding of the subject.
The information, you just gave:
Has NOTHING to do with Polls and Surveys. Nor does it determine their accuracies. But, if you would like to think it does, go for it.
The information you gave, makes me think they utilized that information over Polls and Surveys. That is the information that Blizz goes off of. More than Polls, Surveys, discussions on platforms (via Forums, FB/Twitter, YT Videos, etc.), etc.
I’ve been playing wow since nearly the release date of vanilla. I understand this game and mmo’s very well. If you don’t understand what I mean by no life losers you can’t have been playing very long as this discussion of them and casual players has been going on since vanilla. Of course you no life losers call yourselves hardcore players. It’s hilarious. Hardcore in most games means playing a more difficult version of the game. In wow it means spending enormous amounts of time doing easy things to make an easy game even easier.
No it’s not. The data about classic players doesn’t give them information about what those players want from a BC release. The data just gives them the ability to create a representative sample to ask them questions about a BC release.
I agree with that notion. Which brings me back to my point with just a 2 day Poll/Survey is still not an accurate reflection of what the playerbase wants/desires from the release of BC Legacy Server.
Everything else, however is based off of that information. Along with outside resources and not just Polls and Surveys alone. Again, keyword being “alone”. Not just Polls and Surveys alone. With complete disregard to other information out here.
You didn’t link to a 2 day poll. You linked to an image which I suspect was a screen grab of the email poll that blizzard sent out. Where did the image you linked come from?
Not from my E-Mail. A Screenshot from a simple Google Search. It may (keyword) have lasted longer than 2 Days (I’m overly estimating, here because I never received access to this alleged Poll), IDK. I, certainly, don’t have this alleged Poll.
You need to know what that screenshot is of. Without knowing that everything you’ve posted based on it is worthless.
I just explained it. It’s the handling of the Classic and BC Servers. How to progress into BC. That was THE Poll discussed about. On these Forums, in YT Videos, in articles, etc. IDK how much more clearer I can make that.
EDIT: THE Poll I couldn’t participate in because it got closed out. THE Poll that some (not all) keep basing their judgements off of, in how Blizz is going to handle, anything, moving forward.
Then it’s not a two day poll. The poll everyone is talking about is the email poll. You’re just posting a screen grab of that poll. Not only are you ignorant of statistical analysis you’re ignorant about blizzard’s polls. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Again, I (clearly) stated it could’ve lasted longer, but we can pretend I didn’t say that. It was a very short lived poll. But, sure, regardless, it’s still not an accurate reflection. And, I kept saying EXACLTY which Poll I was talking about but whatever. We can pretend I didn’t say things
It is and any educated person reading this knows it is. On most subjects there are two types of people. Educated people with a sufficient base of knowledge on the subject who make reasonable and rational arguments and those who aren’t knowledgeable who engage in false and wild speculation. I always post for the former no matter who I’m posting to and you are clearly the latter.
Still not. No matter how much you paint my character in a certain limelight.
That’s false. You couldn’t participate because you weren’t part of the representative sample and didn’t get it in your email inbox. That you didn’t get included has no reflection on it’s accuracy. That the poll is not accurate is factually incorrect and something you would know if you studied statistical analysis.
In an email poll the time it is open has no relevance on it’s accuracy. That’s another fact you would know if you had studied statistical analysis. All that matters is that a sufficient number of the representative sample respond no matter how quickly or slowly it takes for them to respond.
There are facts and there are opinions and you simply don’t know enough to even tell the difference. It would be like me attempting to discuss professional sports and everyone who pays attention to them knowing I don’t know what I’m talking about. The difference between you and me is I know when I know nothing about a subject and chose not to talk about it.
Again, I have (clearly) stated, multiple times that I don’t think (keyword) it’s accurate because it’s not reflective of EVERYONE. Polls have been shown to be wrong, sometimes. The example I want to give, I cannot discuss here, on these forums. No, I cannot think of another example.
Actually, the time it’s open does hold relevancy to its accuracy. I’m not talking about how slow respondents take. I’m talking about the Poll accepting votes to be taken in (as in, they block future votes from coming in). Therefore, it isn’t reflective in what the players truly want. Even if the Poll accepted only 1 sole vote, it’s only “accurate” for that 1 sole person.
I do know the difference. For some reason, you’re choosing to think I’m spewing out “facts”, when I’m spewing out what I think. Do I need to state, over and over, again, that this is all my opinion? I don’t think the Polls are accurate. I don’t think they’re reflective of everybody. I don’t trust the Polls. I don’t base my opinions on JUST Polls. I don’t over generalize nor assume EVERYBODY feels the same way just because a large proportion (not necessarily “the majority”) of folks agree on a certain subject matter (in a Poll, that’s not reflective and quite possibly, not accurate).
I can talk about whatever I want to talk about. If I’m to “look silly” (I really don’t think I do, but IK some, not all, may think so) doing so, so be it. It holds no relevancy to what I want to say.
Representative samples are reflective of everyone in the represented classes. You are factually wrong.
There are reasons why polls can be wrong. These are the types of things discussed in a course of Statistical Analysis. We could certainly discuss the difference between political polls of a state or the nation and an email poll by blizzard along with the reasons why a political poll might be inaccurate in ways that the blizzard poll would not. But that would require you to know how polling works and the ways they can be flawed.
It does not. A representative sample is selected based on certain criterion. Emails are sent out to members of that representative sample. When a sufficient number respond to the email the poll is completed. That is how this type of email poll works and if the representative sample is rigorously chosen the poll is extremely accurate.
What you are choosing to spew is information that is factually incorrect. And you know so little about the subject you don’t even realize your errors. You could look honestly at yourself and face the reality that you don’t know much about statistical analysis and chose to study the issue more thoroughly or exist in a state of denial. People who have studied the subject can tell you haven’t and you know exactly how much you’ve studied the subject. Stop pretending.