Fresh 60 PVP

So I just hit 60 a few days ago with enough honor to basically by all the ilvl 158 pvp gear. Now the problem is I’m only sitting at around 23k health and I’m getting destroyed in random BGs. Every time I join a BG I feel like I’m just making my teammates lose but I’m not sure how else to gear up. Anyone have any luck gearing up another way so you could actually compete?


hide in epic bgs till ilvl 200

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Uhhh dude… you are a hunter.

Just queue for epic BGs and partially afk while using camo until you gear up.

first, increase your renown with covenant to increase wqs rewards and your base hp, don’t waste time and anima by upgrading the venthyr covenant set because its just plain terrible with stats it brings, switch to bm for now, spam epic bgs since they give more honor and a fresh lvl 60 is more useful in them versus a random bg, in epic, you can use cannons, vehicules and do objectives


You can also merc. I would alternate, like playing craps. Red, black, black, red.

Generally it’s best to avoid honor gear. Get your convenant gear to 196ilvl, then do yolo rbgs for conquest gear.

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except if you are venthyr, there’s only one piece who have vers on it and thats the cloak, the rest is useless

Like others said, get your renown gear then try to jump into some low cr or yolo rbgs

Random BGs are not where you belong right now. Epics, covenant campaign, get your renown up and the dailies will drop good ilvl gear, tank your rating in arena and get conquest there.

As the time I am writing this, <200 will be destroyed in yolo.

I managed to get my first cr500 for being ilvl 198, but that was two months ago.

Don’t go to BG. Stick to Epic BG, drive a demo or sit on a gunner. If you win, you receive around 800 honor pts.

In a BG, say 2 low gear players join the team, it is like 20% drop in total team dps. Not only you can’t win much, you pull down the whole team. Stick to Epic till all honor gears are fully upgraded.

Blame the game!

Get covenant gear. It’s easy to get and doesn’t involve getting nuked out of orbit by better geared players. 197 ilvl covenant gear will be a lot better than 160/171/184 pvp gear regardless of stats.

People overvalue vers. If vers is your worst stat for dps increase, 40% more doesn’t mean a whole lot. Eventually you want it all over your gear when you can’t get higher ilvl, but main stat/stamina at higher ilvl is just better for damage and effective health.


Or level alts to 60 and wait for the next patch to release the “new improved WOD style gearing system” which will most likely still be a gong show. Blizz has lost the plot on PVP.

Working as intended.

Gong show is being pretty generous in actuality its more like a donkey show.


What I’m doing is spamming battlegrounds until I’m in full purples (184i) then from there began grouping for content.