Freedom of speech

That’s fine but you missed the whole legal part

I don’t see it. Why can’t you say it?

He’s trying to get you to say that the guy was making transphobic comments, at which point he’ll make the claim that transphobic nonsense is the “real truth” and “the secret cabal that runs everything is trying to smother opposition” something something.

I wouldn’t bother with him.


Where I grew up they still throw people off buildings for stuff. Thats fine, right? Just a different culture.
They also remove body parts for theft, and use rocks as disciplinary aids in marital disputes.

I believe it’s not. And if they did it here they would be in prison.

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i dont think they understand the rest of the world isnt like america and the west.

Not necessarily. The whole point of unions and strikes is that individuals are trying to force a change in a company. On the surface level, yes, the company has the right to fire them for refusing to work or whatever it is that they’re doing to impede business. However if it reaches the point where they’re negatively impacting themselves to do it then they should probably start considering other options.

So nothing is right or wrong or moral, its only what the propaganda teaches us, and that can be assumed to be correct.

Nothing he said indicated any irrational fear of transfolx.

Okay, let’s change the sign so that it says something constructive.
“Briselody Coffee is Unsafe”
“Briselody Coffee doesn’t pay a living wage”
“Krusty Krab Unfair”
Is it still ethically okay for you to fire them for demonstrating (assuming that they’re doing it in their free time)?

Each of us have the ability to determine what is right or wrong. And there are a lot of things that are universally agreed upon such as unprovoked murder, theft, etc.
Barring the religious that believe in the ten commandments there’s nothing about it intrinsically true. It is true and real to us but possibly not others

People can understand if you steal when you’re starving. We kill people who kill. Morals flux. I still stand by what I said

So you’re asking for a pass to hate-speech people? There is indeed freedom of speech but there’s something even better called “common decency”.

I suppose you think hydrophobic material is really spooked by water

(hint: words can have multiple meanings)


If this results in firing your entire staff, however, it would be the smart move to consider what they’re saying and see whether it would be a better business decision to negotiate.

There are shades of grey to everything.

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Depends on the union.
The large international unions that rake in millions of dollars in dues but don’t actually support the small locals that pay their dues? No I don’t.

The small independent unions that actually represent their members… sure.

What does that have to do with terminating someone who does not support my product or my company values/mottos?

They’ll only prosecute if the store makes the report, which is the company’s right to do, and what the courts and government are upholding for the company’s well being. If the stores had no rights legally acknowledged and upheld, reporting robberies would be pointless. If I shoplift jewelry from Zales, it’s an offense against the company, not society. Now… if I were to set fire to their property in a way that endangers lives, then that’s an offense against society. But shoplifting jewelry, unless it’s direct armed robbery is not a social offense. - Though I did start off by saying robbing and trashing their store; then we later switched to shoplifting not be a prosecutable offense, etc.

if we want blizzard to allow free speech we must first make it a legal requirement for buisness’s in our own nations. otherwise companies are allowed to make rules on speech.

Here you go.


clapter and hoots
I like that you didn’t answer me. Still waiting to see if muslim parents should be allowed to opt out of certain forms of education, since muslims have demonstrated a much more… active form of protestation, in past scenarios regarding western morality.

I’m offended by what you just posted. I find it to be hateful. Arrest this man.

They can put their kids in private schools if they want, like many Christians already do.

I fail to see your point.