Freedom of speech

The TOS has been largely unchanged from day one of Vanilla, my guy. They’ve stepped up enforcement in recent years compared to then and put out a re-worded “Social Contract” for emphasis and clarity, but actions against players always been reactive based on reports, and the rules for player conduct (aside from the ones that changed like where and when you can advertise in-game services) have been identical since launch.

Mirasol has a nice breakdown here:

If y’all are mad NOW about not being able to say whatever thought flits into your head on internet websites, repeal 230 lawsuit immunity and everything you put anywhere will need moderator approval before it even gets posted (and that approval will rarely be granted) because no company with a presence on the internet will want to take on legal liability for what the users of their service have to say.

You guys have got yourselves all twisted up on an issue that shoots you in the foot because a couple of dudes want to be able to sue Facebook for letting people say mean things about them, it’s actually pretty hilarious to watch how easy it is for talking heads who are worshipped like cult leaders to get people to demand change that goes against their own self interests.