Freedom of speech

  1. What you’re describing has nothing to do with The 1A. Freedom of Speech means the Government can’t retaliate or punish you for criticizing it. Sedition, incitement of illegal activity or causing panic, injury, and/or physical damage are excluded.

  2. Depends on what is said:

  • If the person is using defamatory speech (lies), the company could make a very public example of them by suing for Defamation, but it would cost the company money and monetarily (and likely mentally) ruin the player, where simply banning them from the platform is free, and less harmful.
  • If the person was threatening other players, Blizzard employees, or their families, they’re likely threatening people on the platform and shouldn’t be tolerated.
  • If the person is breaking the social contract in a thread or responding to a tweet started by a Blizzard employee, like someone else said: you’re free to say whatever you like and Blizzard is free to show you the Find Out phase of the consequences of your actions.
  1. Blizzard has every right to ban whomever they choose, whenever they choose. It’s their platform. Just as you have every right to bar entry to your home, unless it’s law enforcement with a warrant.
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Na they are doves. They make that dove noise when they fly off. I think they are mourning doves too.

Idk all i know is they fight EVERYTHING that gets too close.


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Wow, you already got your answer by being ‘greyed out’… It is sad. Back in my day! Haha what a funny term. Never in a million years would I think I would be seeing what I am seeing today. The movies that showed the ‘upside’ down world united with so called current reality… as above/so below… omg where am I? Just my observation? Not judging. I bet I can’t say this either? What do you think?

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Hell is empty; all the demons are here.


Yup. Thems be doves. You must have a local flock of gansta doves. The ones around our area are super docile. Once in a great while they get brave enough to flap their wings at baby grey squirrels, but even then - it’s a 50/50 chance they’ll get run off.

I think blizzard has more important things to do than monitor players social media posts.
I still don’t have my NELF racial tmog set I was promised years, for example

Freedom of speech

Does NOT equal

Freedom from consequences

You can say ANYTHING you want. No one is stopping you. It’s what happens next that you take issue with. You want to be able to say anything you want with impunity. Nope. Say what you want, but you better be willing to take what comes with it. THAT is freedom…


Which media are you referring to? Do you use the freedom to voice for people or for your self? If they asked for your opinion is one thing but if you ruinously just post an opinion the decorum is lost,you might as well use a soapbox to stand on in a bed of fire ants.

Morning dove fight? or that mocking bird ? those fight everything in a yard ,especially when nesting,no matter what,you,me, a car ,the cat(sometimes it doesn’t work out).

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Depends on what’s being said and what the user did to get the kind of attention that could get their WoW account banned or suspended.

We’d need more context OP if there was a more, controversial context to whatever is being implied.

You are talking mentality,saying and doing are different things,you can say anything you want but with reason does it make sense? If not it’ll fly head peoples head and is lost. Motivation inspires people more,we seen the result of that in Jan.6 ,but he did nothing wrong but the result is the same he did something right for him only and now the ants are biting him standing on the soap box he made.

He said men cannot be women. He didn’t say you can’t dress up, have surgeries, and take cross sex hormones in fulfillment of a fantasy. He then posted some communication from blizzard.

if you proofread that and edit it i’ll respond.

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Sounds oddly specific, given the climate in entertainment nowadays.

Entertainment for who? The documentary that was not to be named is the What is a Woman? from the Daily Wire. Are you talking about the corporate and elitist pandering?

You’re thinking of the First Amendment’s protections of the right to free speech. But that doesn’t encapsulate the idea of free speech as a whole. For instance, you can’t say “I have a legal right to say whatever I want on this forum because of the first amendment” but you can ask, as OP did, should we have the ability to freely speak our minds in a specific venue of discourse? It’s a question of ethics more than legality, so it’s not really something most people learn in school these days anyway.

There was never a time when good people rallied to support people attempting to incite violence.

Fixed that for you


Tell me you’re historically ignorant, but in a creative way.

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Have you never heard of a refund? Instead of installing, blindly hitting agree accepting their terms, you could just read them. If then you don’t agree, hit disagree, uninstall and get a refund. :roll_eyes:

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There is nothing quite as exciting as getting dive bombed by mockingbird parents when they have eggs in the nest and you get within 447 feet too close for their liking. They scratch, they peck and the love to pull out hair for trophies. They also have 0 fear of landing on our great pyrennees and plucking tufts of fur out of her butt during nesting season. She’ll take on a couple coyotes, bum rush black bears, give cougars 110lbs of tank dog fury to think about, but attempts to hide under the porch furniture from the little feathered bombardiers, poor doggo.

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