because its rare.
ICC, in fact, did not do the same thing, the unique difference between the mounts was specifically the color, which is being addressed here.
It’s not like “oh they’re giving away xyz glad mount without the armor” - Fine
It’s “they’re giving away a glad mount that was only ever distinguishable by its color in the same exact color with an anklet so people can claim variance”
that’s crazy, i just saw one one 2 days ago in durotar. i couldn’t imagine doing next to nothing effort wise and just throwing in the exact identical version of his gladiator mount that he played for years ago just for all the casuals to just buy it from a vendor. totally. who cares!
theres no way people are this mad lol
are you sure? i think you forgot this then because this isn’t the first time they tried to do this before they removed the mount due to the outcry.
Me rn when people aren’t allowed to feel a certain way about a certain thing when it conflicts with your own view
You could have said “that’s nice I don’t care” and I would have agreed
Instead you just kept making fundamentally incorrect statements for no real reason
Christ OP…
My scrubby wife got her free “wrath gladiator mount” by soloing arathas like a 4 year old who think he’s hard poop and the rest of his raid entourage.
As other have stated, the glad mounts didn’t have armor…
Unlike the 10 and 25 man meta ones. Which this one is an off color of.
God these forums…
whole lot of under 10 post people in here raging hmm
I think your opinions are like really old smelly onions @Sockems
Objection your Honor, speculation
Maybe it’s their only ugly dragon.
best part is nobody even got upset we just all had a logical and analytical debate about the mount and suddenly it’s hardcore rage xd
Yes? They changed the armored version.
I think to one of those lion creatures.
How do i get some of that surf jelly, asking for a friend. Warlock really needs it.
yes what? good they removed it from the game because it was a bogus attempt at giving it away for free LOL, and they are now attempting it again by just ATTACHING a piece of armor this time and keeping the identical color palette and eyes
I understand the ‘armor’ argument but honestly, it’s too similar to the wrathful glad mount.
As somebody stated earlier, if you didn’t see the face you wouldn’t even be able to tell if it was the glad mount or the ‘scourgebrood’.
It’s awesome that they want to add a new frost wyrm but they should used a different color scheme; it’s kinda a slap in the face for people who have wrathful mounts much like the icc 10/25s were a slap in the face for the other wotlk wyrms.
The entire point was to bring back the unused asset.
Yes, it’s the non-glad version of the mount.
Meh seems fine to me.
Rule of thumb should be, if you have the mount, you should complain if it bothers you. If you don’t have it, then it’s probably little to no consequence to you. I couldn’t tell the pve and pvp ones apart from each other back in the day, and they’re almost as ugly as this seasons monk xmog, so who cares.