Free Character Transfers for Burning Crusade Classic Realms

From what I am reading here, transfered were open for 5 minutes then it crashed lol.


Any update?

Great news for all people that had to flee from dying server. Thanks a lot for opening the gates! With only 3 active realms in OCE, is it possible to consider Remulos as a destination on top of already added Arugal and Yojamba?
PvP to PvE has always been allowed. And while Arugal and Yojamba are Full/High, Remulos remains Medium and happy to take Felstriker players on board (Felstriker is anyway sort of PvE after last raiding horde guild left after AQ40 gates opening - ages ago).

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Is there alot of aliens to gang?

Yup I’m on Earthfury where my main char is but the Transfer service just says buy now and asks me my credit card info :confused:

Yea I’m on the realm of my main char but that “free transfer” button just doesn’t appear in the store, just the “buy now” and asks me my credit card info.
I might give it more time.

why can I not transfer my remaining 3 toons over 60 to the new server our guild chose, because blizzard wouldn’t fix the unbalance issue in a timely manner. after all of these years playing I’m starting to re think spending a monthly sub on this game when I cannot even get free transfer for my 3 toons to the server my guild went to. I done wasted $75 to fix blizzards mistake and allow me to play with my friend on the new server, at this point my sub is already cancelled and probably won’t be renewed if my toons don’t get transferred over to play with my friends.

There is no free transfer from Earthfury.


Transfers from incendius are still locked - stupid error message


incendius transfer not working


Those are like the deadest of the dead servers. There’s nobody there to take the free transfers like what the……

i cant transfer thalnos to faerlina, error message =/

Same for me. I thought I might have a chance at playing one of my orphaned mid level characters again.

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So when will this be available? should have been live already but i have no option to xfer at all.

same. no option to xfer at all for me. others have the option but it doesnt work. Incendius server.

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Netherwind is the smallest of the destination servers by a huge margin. We’re half the size of the next larger server (Thunderfury) and people are still transferring off. If we’re not going to get our population propped up by these free transfers (ie disallow transfers to megaservers like Benediction and Grobbulus) then we should be on the list of sources and not destinations.


4/10. You’re better than this. Are you even using a competitive diet and the recommended stretching regiments?

Please put Fairbanks on the list. It has pretty much turned into a Horde PVE server.

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Still cannot xfer from Stalagg to Earthfury.

Disappointed they aren’t offering folks to go from Low to Medium and chose to only allow High pop servers at the end destination :(.