Free Character Moves for this Region - October 17

Cool. I should be able to around 9pm server time

Thanks for the numbers! I installed and tried running before raid, it takes a bit longer than expected to get everything. I’ll try over the next few days to see whats up and will post a moving avg here.

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Without any idea of the actual ratio, please explain to me how someone is aware which factions to play to avoid imba.

If you created Ally on Heartseeker or Faerlina, you would exacerbate the problem.

This doesn’t have to do with the overall ratio of A:H, it has to do with the distribution of said ratio across servers resulting in “Ally” and “Horde” servers - regardless of the overall ratio.

I would gladly roll Horde on a semi-balanced Ally biased server to help level it out. But why should someone play a faction they don’t want to for the sake of mitigating a problem they can’t even assess or know of at the time of creating the character.

By the same logic, I could say every Ally transfering to Heartseeker should either:

A. Not do so because they are making it worse
B. Reroll Horde, since they should know Ally is dominate

Which would be completely asinine since these individuals didn’t know initially that the server they played on was going to be owned by the opposing faction, which makes gameplay horrid for both factions.

By adding faction-based queues and providing faction ratios by servers, these problems can be somewhat mitigated.

While most people say: it wouldn’t help to see the ratio, because people want imba. This entire thread and countless others seems to indicate the exact opposite.

I’ve seen many Horde from Stalagg transfer off or request ally-specific transfers to Stalagg because they, too, are negatively impacted.

If you were Ally on Heartseeker and

do you think you should delete your level 53 and restart because, after all, it’s your fault for the imba?

You should have a button in the lower left quadrant of your Character Selection screen on your server that states “Shop.” Click there, then follow the steps to select the character and destination realm and select “Buy,” which will automatically initiate the transfer. There is no fee, they simply ported this mechanic from the current in-game store, thus the naming nomenclature.

Again, no one would move, because players want to move low -> high, basically abandoning ship and leaving everyone behind to rot. We need high ->, which is not what people want to do. Players are selfish. This is what Blizzard doesn’t understand. They’re not going to say, “Oh, Alliance is low on this realm, I better transfer to it to help out.” What they’re really going to say is, “Better not transfer there, my faction is too small on it.” They transfer when the destination faction is bigger, not smaller, than the one they’re already on.

Your comment makes zero sense as Thunderfury is almost 50/50 ally/horde. So apparently everyone didn’t just roll “horde”.

There are going to be some servers that are 50/50 but over the span of the entire player base is where you are going to see trend. And the trend will be exactly as I had stated which is exactly as it was back in the day.

I mean I should think that someone who plays a game based around min/maxing off of the slightest of advantages would have expanded that ideology to help them choose which faction to roll when they value PvP both instancing and world.

Here’s a bold prediction for you moving forward;

Your BG ques are going to be longer than the alliance.

And even though I am telling you this reality even before battle grounds are even released, there will still be posts of outrage and frustration, demanding all sorts of ridiculous heavy lifting like faction lock outs on character creation and the like in order to solve a problem you’ve now knowingly helped to perpetuate.

Now this is all I wanna talk about this. You are aware of the impending issues regarding horde/alliance pvp minded players globally and that’s based off of the racial for horde being more suited towards pvp versus that of the alliance.

Take that information and do with as you will.

There are several servers that are close to 50/50.

The imbalance is created by blizzards asinine way of doing transfers.

Paid transfers help alleviate the population once before. Its amazing 15 years of knowledge and they’re repeating the same dumb mistakes.


I rolled exactly what it is I wanted to play. I like instancing. Alliance have great racials for instancing and tanks are always desired. Humans make the best tanks based off of their passives and warriors are the best tank class in the game for vanilla.

I am a human warrior. My desired gameplay dictated my faction/class/role.

So you rolled what you like because of racials, then tell others they shouldn’t?

My gameplay isn’t reliant on others needing to compete against. I rolled alliance because I knew there would be a bunch of other like minded players that would want to instance. Because I knew Alliance racials are best for instancing so like mind players wanting to PvE would likely roll alliance, giving me more selection of players to group with. Is that terrible logic? Because it’s worked out great so far!

If I wanted to PvP I would have rolled alliance still and likely been either a mage/rogue/hunter.

Because I would want to pvp and thus enjoy no wait times for pvp battleground ques. I mean, playing the ACTUAL game is more important then rolling horde because “cool/bad/red/racials!!!” isn’t it?

The order of priority over what I find important is

  • gameplay
  • class
  • racials

aesthetics is nowhere on that list.

Enjoy your impending wait times in battlegrounds. And when you post in frustration waiting 15-20 minutes only to get rolled by some premade or the like…just know that I’ve now warned you and you have only yourself to blame.

It is funny that Horde shouldn’t pick for racials, but you should.

Where does this come from at all? I’d play Ally for aesthetics any day of the week over Horde. But Horde racials are my preferred PvP gameplay racials.

how do you faction transfer a paladin or a shaman? Did you think before you wrote this?:rofl:

I’d say that’s not my problem. I guess reroll?

Like I said before. When I chose what class to be, what faction…what server. It was all based off of my desired game play in what I wanted to get out of this game.

If I wanted to pvp on this character, I know I won’t have wait times when BG’s come out so I guess I have that to look forward too as well?

Did I not just say that game play was tops in the priority of what I chose? That ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME superseded racial abilities?

I think I said that.

So you can day dream about how cool your racials are while you wait in frustration in your BG que I guess?

Did you read the discourse on how battlegroups work?

BGs aren’t server specific.

What does that have to do with my question, faction and class are two different things.

I am here telling you right now as clear as day that those groups of players that are PvP driven to want to PvP - and only PvP - majority rolled horde.

Even with some servers having a faction balance, I am telling you with most certainty that your logic of picking racials over game play was the same conclusion most pvp minded players chose. So you can’t avoid the impending wait times coming your way.

Well you could. But you didn’t.

I waited 30-45 minutes on my NE in vanilla. It really isn’t a big deal. Nor does this relate to relative server faction ratios.

If it’s not a big deal then I shouldn’t be reading a bunch of horde players complaining about faction imbalance.

But I do.