Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

Hoping for an update today, putting on my clown make-up as we speak…


Its bc to them everyone on rp pvp servers were only there for the rp, not the pvp with mild rp flavoring


Truth, it’s hard to be immersed if the undead rogue ganking me doesnt have a /point /spit macro they spam with each ability.

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lol, I miss the /spit emote so much. It’s saddening, that people can’t take that.

So I have to resort to sitting on their dead bodies head, if they don’t release.


bliz should force enable mature language filter to protect player feelings


any updates on reopening xfers? some of us got over there early now we are split up with some left behind.


It literally is enabled by default wym


WTF lava lash has a lower population than we did why are we getting the shaft on this


disable the ability to turn it off

Just do like they did to Diablo and remove chat entirely…



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Hey folks-

I was spamming this in the discord and in game, but in case you haven’t seen it yet; I am running a poll regarding this issue.
Please take the time to answer it, and if you can share it with your friends, guildies, etc. I would appreciate it.

I am sure the information collected in the poll will be useful to either yourself or someone else in order to make a decision about what to do and where to go.
The results are open to view and the poll has no close date to allow for the maximum number of answers.

At time of this post, I have 75 replies on it.
Hoping for a lot more!

Love you all in the CB community.

Link to poll:

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to protect players’ feelings

Corporat suits see 2 RpPvP servers on temporary Memecraft which will probably end by next fiscal year.
One is at 45k players one is at 5k players.
“Why pay for 2 servers when we can run one at 50k!”

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Only blizzard knows true pop.

We use iromforge which tracks through logs. And it doesn’t differentiate between mains and alts. The populations could be vastly different than we know…but hey, its blizzard.

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When can we expect the next update, preferably one with transparency and answers to previously asked questions regarding player issues?


Using census tool we usually have 5-6k on during primetime on CS, on CB we usually have 1.5-2k during primetime.

Good lookin’ out o7

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These transfers are not time limited, and PvP enforced faction balance remains in effect on Crusader Strike-US.

Q1. When transfers from Chaos Bolt are re-enabled will there be additional options (Living Flame/Lone Wolf)?
Q2. Will there ever be a time when Chaos Bolt players will not be able to transfer to Crusader Strike due to faction balance?

reason for Q1, people went to CB to avoid CS and now it feels like its the only option
reason for Q2, people are concerned that they will not be able to transfer to CS from CB because of ‘pvp enforced faction balance’. it will split up guilds and cause people to quit.

I can tell you, if Blizzard does enforce a faction lock AFTER telling us to jump ship to Crusader strike and saying we would all be able to swap…our guild will die.

Half of us were able to swap before the lock, and the others were stuck. If they tell us the other half of our guild can’t swap…wtf?

That’s a literal game killer right there. People would unsub en masse