Free Character Moves for Chaos Bolt-US

Teldrassil Fire Brigade on the Alliance side is sticking it out for the long haul - Either they open transfers to Living Flame and acknowledge they want to shut the server down - or we just wait until the servers demise.


Layers are antithetical to the classic experience. So having essentially 1 layer on CB felt nice. If someone was in your zone you could actually go find them.

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Super stoked to hear about this

Still no sign of Blizzard response… How surprising!

Don’t even play there, but this is kind of weird.

So you kill off our server and than pretty much say GL if you can’t get on CS. Not a very good look. Way to stir a storm before the release of P3. Destroying our community is unacceptable.


When I try to transfer my character’s, after being asked what realm I’m trying to transfer to, the continue button is just greyed out. Is this a known problem that’s being worked on?

Transfers are down due to a bug. They’ll announce when they’re available. They said this week.

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I am having a hard time understanding why you have chosen to label CB as a dying server prior to the phase 3 launch.

Also, I have horde toons on CS and alliance on CB am I going to be forces to delete characters?

You have appeared to have made an extremely short sighted decision any sort of detailed explanation would be appreciated.


Give us faction transfers too please

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100% This. They said the faction balance cap is in effect with the transfers. Inept Blizz doing inept Blizz type things. They going to crush whole guilds because people can’t transfer due to the caps.

evident little of this was thought out whatsoever but also lol @ picking CS (aside from all the above reasons) with server location change alone

Came on to check if the intern fixed the bug yet but that makes sense why it might take the rest of the week. Poor kid probably has to use the free version.
If they cant figure it out imagine if they just ghost the bluepost/thread and entire situation and pretend it didnt happen. Lol


The blizzard cafe latte isn’t ready yet, and its crucial they get it on video for their “Day in the life of a blizzard employee” tik tok

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Um… waiting to transfer my Shaman off the now totally dead server.

Also, Can’t transfer to CS because I already have Alliance there.

Furthermore, would be nice to be able to choose the PVP server of our choice rather than just the one other option which in my case makes it only one option… if/when they fix the current “bug.”

EDIT: Forgot to mention one important detail. WHY is Lava Lash the other option? It’s a PVE server…

Can we please have a PVP SERVER transfer option?

Again, I can’t go to CS because faction restrictions (not deleting my characters there) and I don’t want to play on a PVE server or I would’ve rolled on a ****ing PVE server.


The “bug” was they didnt think this through and are coming up with a “Bug Fix”.


There’s no faction restriction for transfers. I have horde+alliance on CS now.

Do not delete characters.

Good morning! Excited for any updates on this


A Blizzard Rep should be the one answering questions like this btw. Monthly $15 x 7,000,000 isn’t enough to afford staff apparently :sweat_smile:


Yeah, I wonder how they’re gonna handle this going forward with faction rules. I’m sure they didn’t intend for this but I wasn’t planning on deleting characters either way.

Worst case, I have to let my shaman die and wither away on CB. Not gonna delete my Allies on CS and not leveling from scratch or playing on a PVE server either (Lava Lash).