Free Baine Movement

Should be implemented in game. There should be Taurens and stuff marching and carrying signs and chanting “Free Baine”. Thunderbluff should threaten secession from the Horde unless he is released. This threat would carry real weight considering the Tauren entering a non-aggression pact with the Alliance and pulling its forces from the Horde would all but insure the Hordes defeat. It makes absolutely no sense for the story to just ignore the incredible political rift this would create for one of the founding nations of the Horde to have its leader imprisoned by the Warchief. I’m thinking of organizing an RP event for this.


I think they should wait until his trial at least…


That’d be dope. Baine for Warchief.


Shouldn’t Zelling of got a trial? Surely he isn’t dead from one arrow.

After the cinema ended, he got up and was like “so, should I just follow Baine to prison then or what?”


I do want to see more reaction from the faction leaders as well as there populations. There should be small fights breaking out in the streets between sylvanas loyalists and those expressing dissent. Civilians gossiping about all the events. Things like these make the world more immersive.

Zelling being dead or not is an intersting point. Ever since the forsaken quest giver in nazmir who is cut in half, I’ve wondered how often a forsaken character is actually dead.


Apparently the Tauren think Baine is an Alliance character too.


That’s a really good idea but at the same time there should also be those Horde members who don’t kindly to Baine killing Horde Soldiers and parleying with his BFFs in the Alliance, especally after they raided zandalar and killed Rastakhan. A counter march with made up of those that believe Baine is a traitor would be awesome as well.


For one, can we all stop pretending that Rastakhan was ever a “Horde” character. He led the Race during a period of deliberation and Neutrality (and was a villain before that); only very recently joined the Horde prior to the invasion of Dazal’alor; and his death-flags had death-flags. Seriously, you don’t make a contract with a powerful entity that extends to your entire blood-line if you don’t expect to become expendable as long as you have at least one child-bearing offspring still left alive (Talanji, in contrast to Rastakhan, IS someone Bwon would go the extra mile to keep alive, until she has kids).

As to the OPs point. Pretty sure Sylvie is NOT executing Baine for the very purpose of ensuring his sympathizer’s compliance. She’s got the majority of the Tauren by the balls (as yes, they do approve of him as a leader, you think Hamuul is any different than Baine?) She can continue to force them to fight and die on the front lines as long as she keeps Baine at her mercy. Or, she could go do something insane and install Magatha Grimtotem as their replacement leader (with Runetotem in Silithus) and try making the Tauren as edgy as the Forsaken. :smiley:


He shouldn’t be dead from a single arrow unless it somehow managed to crush his head.

the only reason why baine isn’t dead is because probably someone is going to freed him.
is either saurfang,thrall or jaina.


Eh, i don’t really care about baines fate, just keep him from the warchiefs seat.


Pump your brakes bruhster, I never said Rastakhan was a Horde character. I imagine that there are many within the Horde that wants nothing more than to dismantle the Alliance for simply raiding Daza’alor and killing the King. I would assume that most of them are zandalri, those Horde present at the battle, or those Horde members that lost love ones at the battle.

Once that group of Horde members find out that Baine killed Horde troops, and betrayed the Horde to help his Alliance BFFs, they should be up in arms.


One theory I’ve been toying around with is that what ultimately ends Sylvanas’s reign as Warchief is trying to bring the hammer down on the Tauren.

The basic idea is that the Tauren withdraw a large part of their people to Thunder Bluff in protest of Baine’s imprisonment (well, that’s really just the last straw, I can’t imagine this war ever being super popular among the Tauren people). They don’t shed any blood, or pull troops away from anywhere considered especially vulnerable to Alliance attack.

Sylvanas gathers an army to bring the Tauren back into the fold by force, or else punish them for their betrayal. Only for, when the time comes at the foot of Thunder Bluff, that army refuses to fight the Tauren (and thus igniting a second Horde civil war). When it becomes clear that even the rank and file Forsaken have no interest in blighting Thunder Bluff (which was Sylvanas’s backup plan), only then does someone challenge her to a Mak’gora. After which she either loses or simply flees to pursue her other plans, either way resulting in her no longer being Warchief.

I like this idea because it doesn’t actually involve the Alliance in any way. While they have a score to settle with her, I think the actual moment that Sylvanas ceases to be Warchief is something that needs to be handled completely in-house.

From a gameplay standpoint I’d have the Alliance investigating Sylvanas’s “sideproject” that Ashvane is involved with while all of this is going down. They figure some important things out, get a better picture of what end Sylvanas is working towards, and ultimately arrive in Mulgore too late to do much but ask “WTF happened here?”


It’s going to be Jaina obviously.

She’ll free Baine and then her and Baine will scold us for being part of Derek corpse recovery even though we had no choice. Then Sylvanas will yell at us for working with Jaina even though we had no choice.


I am fine with this. If I RPed it I imagine I’d get a lot of haters to show up anyways. There should be a big brawl and a riot should break out in Orgrimmar causing Sylvanas to bring the hammer down leading to the city being taken over and guarded by Dark Rangers. It would be a good transition into the clear civil war route we are going.

While this may be her plans and intentions that would not work as she would have the quell a Tauren rebellion. They won’t accept Grimtotem with out a fight, especially if Baine gives the word from prison to riot. She realistically should either have to execute Baine or release him. Executing him would still cause dissent, but it would possibly be easier to crush without any clear heir to Mulgore… although executing him would also cause the other leaders of the Horde to move beyond just passively feeling bad about what Sylvanas does and perhaps actively working against.

Main point is arresting Baine should be a stupid or at least dangerous political move because he isn’t just any Tauren he is the leader of a central nation. There should be clear backlash from Mulgore to the actions of the Warchief.


Sure, providing they send us into Thunder Bluff with plague spreaders to put an end to the protests.


It will look incredibly odd if the Tauren have no reaction to Baine being arrested.

They should be fortifying Mul’gore and recalling all troops participating in Sylvanas’ war, and that should be reflected in game.


Do the majority of horde players care for that level of detail in their writing though? I get the impression they don’t really.

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I dont think they have protests in semi-medieval nations, i think back then, they just led to VERY messy massacres. A massacre that, in this case, would lead to alot of free steak. Im pretty sure the tauren wouldnt want to broadcast how good they taste, they might never hear the end of it.