<Freakin Unicorns> Zul'jin Recruiting for Mythic Liberation of Undermine

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We are still looking for the classes listed.

Still looking for a very solid WW monk to come hang.

Now 3/10M, and still looking for a WW monk. I want that mystic touch people, please let me do more damage.

Farm night tomorrow, great time to come trial and meet the lads. Come yeet.

A great night clearing out farm. Still looking for some solid individuals.

Still looking for a good WW and Unholy DK

Still here, still recruiting exceptional players. Apply today!

Another boomie would be great, and if we can get a qualified WW that would be blessed. Otherwise, only recruiting exceptional players at this point!

Boomie & UH DK are still on the table for DPS. Rsham, HPal, and Disc priest will be welcomed healer trials! We have a new app via google forms! Woo! Come get in while the gettin’s good.

The big ol’ bumperooni. Got an app now so you can just fill that out, which is nice. Much more straight forward. Looking for DPS + a good healer!

We got Yeet City here at FU, looking for additional DPS and a quality Hpal to come fill out this roster.

Badly in need of a skilled healer or experienced tank, please reach out on our application :smiley:

Hey there. I play mage and boomkin on your server/faction and would love to have a chat. Please add Xucphra#1106 on bnet or Xucphra#0924 on discord. Thanks!

Looking for heals and dps!

Darkvein down! Now onto Sun King’s! Come yeet or heal Kael. One of the two. Pick your poison.

Still here, still downing bosses. Apply today!

Bump, still looking for some quality ranged DPS players!

Still looking for some real bangers of players with that fatty Kael kill, hit us up.

Bump, bump, bump senora, bump your body right. Bump, bump, bump senora, bump it all night.

Are you guys still looking for a tank?