Found your Wife/Husband in WoW

all my family (including brothers and sisters) get/got married early, I’m like the only one left tbh. To neither have kids nor a significant other.


Well, assuming I’d offer to teach you would you want to learn? Building pcs isn’t hard or too complicated. Just some know how and a delicate touch in some instances.

Don’t get married for that reason. Seen too many of those kinds of marriages.


My BF and I got together through WoW, this December marks 6 years together. We jokingly call each other hubby and wifey, since we got married in game some years back.


QFT. The grass isn’t magically greener.

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My hand discovered me when I was 3, and has never let go ever since!


I’m absolutely obsessed with the idea of love though, it’s what i live for to find. For reasons undisclosed, too personal involving my dark sad past.

I meant don’t get married because you feel “it’s time” and you want to have kids. People get married for that reason then get divorced 2 to 10 years later.

Marry your best friend then the rest comes naturally.


My wife does not play WoW.

We first met in high school and dated all the way thru it. We got married in March 1972 and will be together 50 years in March 2022.

3 kids (2 still alive) 4 grand kids and 5 great grand kids


Ooooh. I don’t want kids. I just want someone to spend my life with and to make me happy/love me and be there for me. Would be nice to marry a bestfriend, if i ever had one haha…well i did and wanted to marry her…she’s the one i had met through a video game before. However she abandoned me 9 months ago, i finally moved on, and she was Muslim, therefore forbid to be with me. Often expressing she could NEVER fall in love with nor marry a non-muslim, it was against her beliefs to do so. However around the same time i met another girl from the same game who i wish to be with as of current.

Never seen her face for the 2-3 years i known her, only seen her hands, but i truly loved and wanted to marry her nevertheless.

Although it wasn’t WoW, My wife and I met playing backgammon online in the old cases ladder tournaments on pogo. a mutual friend in-game introduced us, next thing you know we were chatting it up in whispers and chat. April 24 we will have been married 17 years,


Sheesh, do gay people scare you that much?

Sir, this IS DEFINITELY A WENDY’S… :eyes:


I watched an episode of The Crown last night that was so sad. Never had any empathy for Dianna except when she died until now. Usually the crown is an amazing spectacle visually and mindless but I couldn’t help wanting to leap through the screen and save her. Guess my point is don’t marry too soon

This is the kind of love story I like. My husband and I have been together 18 years. I hope we’re together for as long as you have been with your wife.


Some gotta make do with what’s available.

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None of that here, you both stop.

I had a few female players that I was interested in but the time of my being socially competent is long past. Oh well.


I met my ex in zul’drak, under volatus. I was leveling she was level capped farming cloth. it was 2009, 4 years of wacky long distance hijinks later we were together and married. 7 years after that she cheated on me and i had to throw her out…

The infamous ‘boopkakki’.