Forum Recap - 4 - Locked Outside Edition

the new something optimum items coming out next patch made the original t3 BMAH achievement something even better hinting at something coming

Probably going to be something like a deathcharger tint.


or red dnaught

pls be red dnaught

I’m a poor person, so I had no idea BMAH T3 stuff can be wore across classes of the same armor type. Whenever I see T3 on it, I see a class being listed as required for it. Do you need to purchase it on the appropriate class and then it works across all of the same armor type or can you actually purchase it on any of the same armor type?

i don’t arena but best post on forums for weeks. lol


what does “swole is still stalking us” supposed to mean? i was working all weekend.

i do appreciate making the recap tho.

You were gone during the weekend yea thats what it is. Didnt see a post

Blue sword will one day come. A week before season ends ofc

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Perfectly appropriate shadow priest rp.

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bro you dont live in a house like that, and is seratox actually banned?

Yeah because it’s my house now.


Imagine i do

Yea he literally got banned for a mc chicken

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lmao that is you in there. thats quality content right there.

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Honestly I saw Kennie in the door before myself lmao.

Little hint

Seratox fought that german guy and there was a new rule in the forum TOS after that stuff went down btw

i didn’t see that thread but can’t say i’m surprised. can’t wait for this week recap.

Its gonna be better. Since im not going to be locked outside my house for 8 whole damn hours

Trying to get my hands on premiere pro to make videos

Wasted 3 years of HS making horrible videos tormenting my teacher now id get the chance to torment you guys