Forsaken development

I find it so funny that this is even a argument, you can say its dumb if you like but the fact that all the races dont like blight, the fact that is in question after all the lore I find hilarious, it shows the disconnect forsaken players have with the rest of the playerbase and the devs themselves

I think it’s funny how a lot of people who don’t or rarely play Forsaken think they can dictate what we should like about them.

Yeah let’s take away one of our signature moves because some other people don’t like it.

Well I think it’s silly Nelves worship Elune now. She’s clearly abandoned you. The devs agree. The undead nelves confirm this it’s canon. So you get rid of your ineffectual moon god and maybe we’ll look into getting rid of our highly effectual signature weapon.


I am not dicating what you like about them, I am saying blight should be removed cause of all the horrible things they have done and it doesnt fit with the story anymore, is the horde sorry for what it has done or not, did we play the same xpac?

In my opinion conflict with a neutral night elf faction is far from inevitable. Night elves could have easily maintained peaceful if tenuous relations by trading in lumber which they have in infinite supply. By joining the alliance they’ve just stopped short of declaring war on the horde.

The forsaken aren’t responsible for Teldrassil.

The reasons I mentioned those classes is that they occupy a dubious place within society which is unquestioned drawing their power for more malign sources than the chemical factories of the forsaken.

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And my point is Blight is as distinct to the Forsaken as Elune is to the Nelves. Most of Classic’s Forsaken quests are figuring out this super weapon. Blight is the result of that.

Having a nightmare goo that turns people into spooky, scary skeletons is very much on brand with the Forsaken aesthetic. I’ve referred to it as discount Tim Burton before and weapons turning victim’s into green skeletons is straight out of Mar’s Attacks.

There’s a lot about the Forsaken I think needs retooling to make them a more fully realized, developed faction. Getting rid of Blight doesn’t do that it just takes away one more unique aspect to the race. And seeing as we’ve lost our city, countless NPCs and our main lore relevant NPCs - hell no I’m not interested in losing that too.


A super weapon that was abused and now its time to lose it, its dumb to even talk about this, if elune was evil and killed a bunch of innocent people, I wouldnt be arguing that blizzard shouldnt kill her off its not even close to the same argument

We should all meet and have a convention about whats allowable in war and whats not. If blights on the table lets throw in fire, ice, storm, fell magic, snipers, explosive devices, wild animals, demons etc. We’ll settle our differences with a game of rugby.
WoR = World of Rugby craft :thinking:


again that disconnect between forsaken players and the devs

Again you make no sense.

play the game read the lore, blight is worse than all those things, cause blizzard said so its been this way since the wrathgate

No it isn’t. Childish argument at best even if it were true.

Blizzard say’s a lot of things when it suits them, and a lot of the times it turns out to be untrue.


it is literally says on the wiki page, even the horde made it illegal, if you want blizzard to retcon the way blight is seen in the story by all means make a thread and complain about it.

Tell me more about it. I’m curious to know how having your face melted off with one substance fire/azerite (everybody’s using them) weapons is worse than having it melted off with blight.


Mostly blight is green and spoopy.

But also, it has a nasty tendency to poison the ground, so that alone should result in it being used more sparingly. When you’ve blighted an area, you don’t just deny it to the enemy, you deny to everyone, living and dead for an indeterminate amount of time.


Which we have seen, can be cleansed by ice magic. Or Dragon fire. Granted, that last one is kinda is rare to come upon.

That’s more a disconnect between the devs and their own game.


I already told you, its literally cause blizzard said so, for some reason every character hates it and seens it as a horrible and dishonorable weapon. Blizzard frames using the blight as equal if not worse than drinking fel blood lol. I feel that story wise specially now with bfa the game sees it as worse than the mana bomb lol

Nothing you’ve said is demonstrably true.
“Mum said so it must be true!” :woozy_face:


Well the ice thing was kind of a singular situation too. There’s lots of blighted places that aren’t being cleared out with ice magic.

But Katiera is right in that the framing around Blight does very much portray it as a bad thing… although that’s also an example of Blizzard just casting the Horde and Forsaken in particular in less sympathetic light by increasingly only highlighting their negative traits while simultaneously whitewashing the Alliance and making them increasingly passive/saint-like.


I am just saying its too late to change it, unless blizzard just retcons all of wow thats why I think the forsaken should give up the blight and be toned down, I dont know why giving up the blight turns into power level arguments for so many people, powerlevels are meaningless, blight or not the forsaken will still win the battles blizzard wants them to win.

Blizzard has plenty of “We usually hate this stuff, but have now decided we can tolerate it’s limited use if it aligns with our goals, even if we still generally don’t endorse it,” stories. Warlocks. Death Knights. Demon Hunters. Shadow priests. Assassinations. The Horde/Alliance virtually every time they team up just to name examples off the top of my head.