Former top 50 US tank returning (205 Vengeance)

205 ilvl Vengeance Demon Hunter (willing to class change as needed, I can multi-class to any spec/role)
US 32 cataclysm (25heroic), US 48 MoP(25 heroic) looking to make a return into CE. After MoP I took a long break from hardcore raiding, casually picking up aotc here and there as I would play off and on. I’m looking to find a new home to get back into semi-hardcore raiding to possibly hardcore raiding for shadowlands.
I’m a working adult looking for a guild with a similar lifestyle and understanding that work and life comes first, but is willing to put in the time and effort to clear content efficiently and smoothly.
I am more then happy to faction/realm change if I find a guild that fits, or to play any class/spec if requested.
EST preferred.
If interested or if you have any questions feel free to message me on btag RubberDuck#1532

Still looking, bump

just bumping

Hey Nellyel! I feel like our guild here is exactly what you described! As long as our raid times fit we could be the guild youre looking for!

Here is my guild post if you have any questions feel free to reach out on discord/battlenet. Good luck in your search, Merry Christmas!

Current Recruitment Needs
Brewmaster Monk-Hight Priority
Vengeance Demon Hunter-High Priority
Protection Paladin-High Priority
Guardian Druid-High Priority
Discipline Priest-High Priority(Shadow offspec huge plus)
Mistweaver Monk-High
Holy Paladin
Retribution Paladin-Medium
Windwalker Monk-Medium
Balance Druid-Medium

**If you don’t see your class/spec listed here, do not let that discourage you from applying. We are always looking for great players of any class.

Raid Days/Times
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 7pm-10pm PST(10pm-1am EST)
Optional raid night for heroic mode Fridays 7pm-10pm PST

Guild Information
7/10 Heroic Castle Nathria
10/10 Normal Castle Nathria
11/12 Mythic Ny’alotha experience

We are a newly formed guild founded on everyone having the same goal, obtain Cutting Edge as quickly as possible. Most of our team finished Ny’alotha with 11/12 mythic.

Our guild will be focused on achieving Cutting Edge in all raid tiers. Our players are expected to do all research and come prepared to down bosses. Players are expected to go above and beyond in getting themselves geared for the content. Our guildies run multiple sets of keys a week together. We keep a fun and non toxic environment, but expect everyone to focus up when the time comes.

Raiding Expectations

  • Players are expected to attend all raids per week and message an officer or post in discord if they will miss a raid. We understand that real life issues happen and we are happy to accommodate you, as long as notice is given.
  • All applicants should be near or at their ideal setup to directly contribute to our current content.
  • Raiders should be able to take constructive criticism.
  • We provide funds for repairs as well as flasks and consumables for progression content. Along with free enchants/gems for main spec gear.
  • We do not recruit for the bench, however we will make the most optimal group based on who is online for the raid.

Contacts for more info or to inquire on trialing
Hexbox(tehfluffyone#1150)–Guild Recruiter
Discord: Devana#8731
Galorina(Galorina#1877)–Guild Master