Former "Lounge 'Denizen' " Checking In

Well it’s a bummer that technology is going rogue on you. I’m glad to hear you’re well, I peeked in on the Lounge earlier too and was glad to find you there. Hopefully whatever new modifications they’re making to the forums fixes some of these ongoing issues. They seem to be compounding :frowning:


Thank you! I hope you all are doing well.

What’s everyone been up to?


You need to keep your thread wow related…otherwise if someone reports you, it could be removed.

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Unfortunately we can’t recreate the screenshot thread because of the overly restrictive TL rules here.


Could someone explain me the TL?

I had that special lounge forum section back in 2022…then I went to a business trip and due to inactivity for 15 days, I got demoted.

I tried to be active since that day and I can’t post URL yet…1 year + later.

Its weird that we can’t perceive the increase or progress towards that and Its better for feedback post when you can actually paste screenshots and videos of ideas.


Starting my seedlings and getting my yard shored up for summer gardens. Work has been pretty slow since January. I essentially get to work from home 2-3 days out of the week, which has been pretty epic. It might mean there’s a lot of travel this summer though. I have to get my watering system figured out. Nothing worse than sad droopy plants who’ve been parched because I’ve been out of town. Can’t count on rain. We either get ALL of it, or none of it for weeks on end.

Even though you might be actively responding to threads, I think you have to make one as well? and have others respond to you. You also have to be giving out likes n’ stuff. It doesn’t say that you’ve got to create a thread topic specifically, so I’m not 100% sure about that aspect.


This is something that has been asked for since the Discourse forums released. People would like to see their Trust Level progress and stats beyond what the Summary page on our Forum Profile says. That tells us some info, but not enough to see if we are meeting TL3 requirements or not. TL3 drops off due to inactivity or a suspension so gaining it back, or keeping it up, is something many would love to able to see.

What do you think about showing a Trust Level badge under the profile picture or something? Would that feel too much like people flashing status/progress or too much like people would be forced to grind forum rep? Would it just be useful mostly for those who care?

Since early days of forums many have had “experience” type badges you get by being active for X time, etc. Newbie, Poster, Regular, Veteran, etc. That kind of thing.


I´ve read that guide several times in a year…I don’t get if I’m progressing this quota at all…so fustrating.

I want to go back and do threads like 2022…

example: * Feedback: Outdated Mount Achievement Goals

I was able to post images :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Personally, I’d like to see my progress in my profile, I don’t care if others have a badge. Sometimes for feedback, its better if you can post images.


Oh certainly. That is how the Beta group issue came up in the first place. They created a custom Bnet level Beta group and put everyone who has Beta into it. It granted TL3 permissions for posting images and video on the Beta forums. BUT that was not specific to the Beta forums, and never dropped TL3 off like it is supposed to do. It was a permanent Bnet level TL3 that was manually applied to all characters a person had.

They used to not allow any clickable outside links or images on the forums. The 2018 Discourse software changed that, but only if you earn the trust level, and/or the site is white listed. There are some things you can post at earlier levels based on the white list but I don’t know what those sites are exactly. Youtube comes to mind.

It is done to prevent abuse of clickable links to malware, inappropriate sites, illegal sites, terrible images, etc. I learned long ago never to click links. Heh. I have avoided some classic horrible images that people used to try to get others to click on.

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People get kinda funny over rank or any other visualized status on this site. I mean heck, they’ll thrash each other just over how many post counts someone has. Personally, I’d be for it appearing under our little avatar on the top right corner of the screen - for our eyes only. Putting the rank out in the public isn’t particularly necessary. If you can post a gif or a youtube link, it’s already apparent you’ve earned it.

Yeah, I definitely agree. That guide states the requirements but it’s really hard to track anything concretely. I’ve gone into my profile and used the summary information (Stats) to see what I’ve been up to. I think the read time tracks over a 30 day period. But a fillable bar or something we don’t have to make guesses about would be way more useful.


Good to see you! I hope the browser gets fixed soon. :two_hearts:


Getting my gardens ready. Today, I’m working on jump rings for a chain mail piece that I’ll be creating and tomorrow, I’ll be sorting through my rock tumblers.

I hope you are well! :slight_smile:



This sounds solid to me


Getting ready to play, when I thought, “Some appropriate music would be nice, like from the Obligatory Music Thread”. Then I remembered, "Ya big Dummy! You can’t get to that thread, because you’re no longer TL3!"

Makes you wanna say DAYUMMM!!!. :blush::face_vomiting::sunglasses:


Jonas, I learnd I’d lost TL3 when I was going to share this one with you. I can remember mom singing along to it when I was a kid. Beautiful harmonies, until mom got involved :wink:.


My, how time flies!

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Red, I’d forgotten all about that one. The one in the middle looks like she could be my sister, especially since we both have hyphenated teeth, only my gap is a bit smaller,

Beautiful song and harmonies. I agree. Thanks for that memory!

Fairlight, that is one of my favorite Traffic/Steve Winwood songs, I also liked him back when he was with Spencer Davis. They had a couple of hits with Steve singing lead.

ETA: For Red, I didn’t know much about them, only that they come from The Netherlands. Those harmonies could only come from mountain country.

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Did we lose our trust level? I can’t see it anymore, nor can I post links, and I’ve had TL3 for years.