Former HC Raider LF Progression Guild (Can play multiple classes)

Hey Dobby!

I’m the GM for Safe Word on US Kilrogg (Horde), and my raid leaders are getting on me to get some more ranged dps for our core team. It sounds like you might be a good fit for us, assuming you can betray the Alliance.

Right now we are going through normal (7/9 first week), and tonight we’re starting heroic to get some gear and experience with mechanics. After we clear Heroic, we’re venturing into mythic (but still keeping our friendly and semi-casual atmosphere).

We also have 8/8N & H experience from Uldir, and 1/8 M before we split from our old guild. Although we’re a new guild, our group of 20 has been raiding together for just over 2 years.

We raid Tues/Thurs 7pm-10pm PST (Server). We have alt raids every Sunday from 6pm-9pm. We also run keys almost every day of the week and have guild events (recently completed the Uldir meta achievement for the mount, Hive Mind event, and are working on the dungeon meta).

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if we sound like a good fit. I can get you in our discord so you can listen in on raids or if you have a horde toon, we can spam some dungeons if you have time.

Here’s our long post for more information: Delete please

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Bnet: Fried#11205
Discord: Fried#5654

  • Fried