Former CE player looking for raiding home

Hello out there!

Achieved CE for every tier in shadowlands, legion, and some BFA.

I took a break for the entirety of this expansion and am looking for a new home. CE guild with history would be ideal. I actually enjoy the game and will be on running mythic plus or messing around in pvp when not doing raid chores.

I will have a mage and lock ready to roll for TWW. Just came back and have worked my lock up to 520ilvl.

I prefer an active guild that enjoys their time in game and is also focused when it comes time to murder pixels.

Hello friend,

take a look at our recruitment post. We won’t be achieving CE, but maybe this could be home: [H] <HardcoreCasuals>-Shandris 8-11PM EST Tues/Wed LFM!

Hey Lizak,

Our guild welcomes returning players like yourself in this tier to TWW. We’re a late night mythic guild. If you’re interested, let me know and add me in bnet irizz#1719

here’s our recruitment post;

Guild & Server: Intricacy-Tichondrius
Raid Times/Days: Saturday/Sunday 12 - 3:00 PM PST (california time)
Current Progression: 5/8M AVOTI 7/9M AATSC 6/9M AATDH
Recruitment Contact: discord: Loredon Btag: Loredon#1135 discord: Draconerus
Requirements: Attendance for both raid days, Being Coachable, knowledge of your class and boss mechanics, RC Loot Council, Wowaudit , positive attitude