Former 6/9 Mythic Raider Returning,

Looking to return to WoW to primarly just get AOTC regularly and push mythic content, mainly interested in M+ Keys,

Am still undecided on role and class to play LF a guild to slot into, leave your bag etc and i’ll get back to you.

Hey Dundee on frostmourne alliance is looking for a dh dps we raid Thursday and Monday 8:30-11:30 gmt+8 are currently 6/9 mythic and a lot of players to do m+ keys if interested hit me up benny8842 on discord

Hey mate! we are a Frostmourne 7/9M guild looking to bolster our roster would happily love to talk on trialing for our prog based yet fun and social raiding guild ! Get in contact with me @retoos on discord.

Hey Seensei!

Happy to chat further with you if our post interests you :slight_smile: