Forest Troll skin color/customization?

since the other various troll subraces are having their day in the sun like the sand trolls and night trolls: what about the horde-aligned Revantusks?


Agreed. Add these skins in please.


Summons Zurogrusel

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Someone called

No idea. If there’s any troll sub-species we should get it is forest trolls, since they have a history with the Horde and the Revantusk tribe is still working with the Horde. Now is the perfect time to give them to us. The fact that we’re getting dark/sand trolls and not Revantusk makes no sense from a lore standpoint, and not that much from a modeling standpoint either, there’s a pre-existing green skin tone for both genders already on the updated Darkspear model.

I made a megathread for forest trolls if anyone is curious:

I will restate my support for forest trolls again here, they’re my most wanted race.