Forceful winds doesnt fit the shadowlands enhancement play style

blizzard reverted bfa’s enhancement shaman to a mopish play style of a cool down based style of game play.on alpha windfury even with force ful winds hits like a wet noodle and should be removed and then they can buff windfurys flat damage to make it hit harder.

think of it kind of like back in the old days of enhance from tbc-mop you hit all your cool downs and had nothing else in between except windfury procs.thats how it played.

if you take some time and watch the older enhancement shaman videos pvp/raids ect you will see makes sense for blizzard to remove forceful winds and buff windfury it fits the play style of a cool down based class.

a tbc pvp video of how enhancement was.

wrath enhancement shaman duels video.bring healing wolves back!

they all have one thing in common windfury procs hitting in between cool downs.

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Overall damage tuning hasnt been done yet. Also, doomwinds leggo willl go great with FFW

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