For those who want Mythic Plus without the timer

I don’t really think you’re wrong. If there’s no audience for this, then Blizz just won’t do it. I don’t really see the harm in putting together a pitch. I’m also not really under the impression that Blizzard cares what I think anyway.

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I genuinely think M+ without timer would not be challenging at all, even with limited ress.

Just bring 5 Night Elves, take Vengeance and 3 Rogues, any time that your cheat death proc, just meld away and try again 10 minutes later.

It just lack any purpose for its existence, why place so many rules when you can just stay with the current format?

I have a suggestion. It is we should all go on a beach trip and drink lots of booze and smoke a little pot (obviously in a state legal to do so), and then discuss all the issues of the world. I feel like we could get it all sorted out then.

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No. :smiling_imp:

Only thing I can say on this is I’d direct you to my post immediately above yours. All I’m doing is imagining a gearing path some people might want. If it’s not worth doing, then Blizzard won’t implement it.

Nothing wrong with pitching ideas, and I’m not trying to shoot it down, just trying to point out potential problems.

I don’t really even like M+ to be honest. I preferred challenge modes, and wish they would make a comeback to replace M+. That’s my unpopular opinion.


Believe me, I appreciate it. You have been nothing but exceptionally helpful the whole time.

But what’s wrong with the current one? you can do careful planning and pull pack by pack even at +15, the “gogogo” mentality that people here say often is not true at all in +15.

To answer this, I’d direct you to this post:

I don’t know what else I can say on the subject. Folks have expressed to me a desire for content in this format. I’ve done my best to organize that into something that can be easily parsed by Blizzard, and tried to contribute constructively to it.

I agree with Turnberry.

Some of the most fun I’ve had was exploring so I’d run old dg’s and once I clear it, I like to look around and explore.

Respawning would ruin that.


Thanks. I’ll add your name to that list item to reflect your agreement. :slight_smile:

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Well i tried a little in having the experience of being bilingual but it is good to be a little closer with almost everyone and be closer to those who are most responsible in the game experience. :pensive:

If you come to understand this more, what they told me without discriminating the rogues. One of the problems that existed in this expansion gave a lot of specification to other classes, and it was not like the balance that there was in Legion.

A certain one, even bringing a specific talent build that ruined the game experience a bit, is another thing to be careful of in the next expansion.

If you mean what I said as what they are doing in Torghast in making a limit of wipes or as lifes continues? I think so, at least it will be less pressure although I would be more careful to die this time to make a good strategy and a good resource against the boss and mobs.

but we would also be on the same path as the mythic run in which we now experience it.

That I want it to be in this expansion, not only in the mythic dungeons, also in the mythic raid, something that lasts more than a week and a half, that feels that feeling of difficulty as it was seen in a normal raid of 40 players, something that was also seen in the first hero raids like ICC and ToC.

And so Try Count would be a good result for a new experience in the game.

let’s make WoW retail great again.


The distinction between what I have in mind and Torghast is that in Torghast, a group is expected to die eventually – that’s the control mechanism for progress. In this concept, the dungeon ends when it’s completed, so there’s a subtle difference.

I haven’t done a lot of research about Torghast though, so I’m not sure how similar this concept and it would be.

I get you. The more people you can communicate with, the easier things tend to be. I’ll try my best to understand you and others who may not have English as a first language, but I can’t promise I’ll always do a good job at that. :upside_down_face:

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Why is this a problem? Why is this something that is needed to be discussed? What is the point of scaling dungeons with no timer? Where’s the challenge? You just pull the dungeon one group at a time, waiting for cooldowns at lust? I’m bored just thinking of it. Leave mythic+ to people that enjoy it. If you have a problem with it, there’s the same other content that’s existed for years you can do.

Yeah no. Not comparable anymore now that guilds are raiding 17 hours a day for 2 weeks. The raids we have now are the hardest raids we’ve ever seen.

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I have to agree on this one. Raids are much more challenging than they were in the game’s early expansions.

Because there are people who want it. I do not make any claim one way or the other one whether or not that desire should be fulfilled. As I said earlier in the thread, all I’ve tried to do is apply some structuring to that desire. If you don’t want this, then by all means, feel free to not contribute to it.

The scaling itself. The model I have in mind scales enemy damage/healing to a greater extent than M+ does to compensate for the lack of a timer.

In that case it would be more in a wipe group instead of a wipe single but you have to see, that would be so far a good result for new challenges in mythic + so adding new difficulty would make it difficult and boring to experience it in all its difficulties.

well, It is one of my rare problems in speaking English, it may be that I complicate myself speaking or making a comment, but otherwise in yours without the need for any effort, I can understand you.

And don’t even tell me to speak English or understand it orally, especially the idiom or accent in every USA state or England, it is the same as the different idiom and accent in Spanish. :stuck_out_tongue:

but then it would not be a challenge, at least not to you to gather what is the true copy as is the third boss in Nya’Lotha or soccer play in Xanesh, boy, that was very ridiculous in this last raid.

I don’t know, I think it’s more an issue of awkwardness and scaling.

Personally I really miss the cata dungeon difficulty on release, but admittedly most of that consisted of one shot mechanics that had to be avoided.
When it comes to scaling up it becomes kind of irrelevant when the mechanic is already a binary succeed or fail.

It really makes scaling a much harder process because what do you do to make fights like General Umbriss harder? Blitz already one shots so increasing it’s damage isn’t possible, so do you increase it’s frequency? It’s activation speed? The number of times they charge? Or just remain the same?

Do you then increase the number of adds? The health and damage of adds? The frequency of the malignant ones? Etc

I’m sure that you can increase the difficulty slide outside of simply adding a timer and flat scaling which would be interesting even to pro players, but how do you do it in such a linear infinite scale I think is the issue.

It’s conceivable to add mechanics, change damage, modify frequency but how many difficulties can you make realistically? Certainly not the 30 difficulty levels that some players are certainly able to reach in the current games.

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I would absolutely agree with this, and to clarify, I’m not suggesting an infinite linear scale. If I’ve given that impression, that wasn’t my intent. Shifting the baseline and endpoint shouldn’t be necessary outside of once per content patch.

Sorry if I missed it but would you use M+ keys for this or how would you go about doing one of these dungeons?