For those of you avoiding retail, would you play retail content on pristine realms?

That #1 thing that keeps me away from retail is the horrible itemization.

If I wanted to play Diablo 3, I’d play Diablo 3, I don’t need Diablo 3 in my World of Warcraft and thats exactly what the current loot situation is, Diablo 3 RNG-fest of tedium and boredom.

Killing X boss to get x item is fun, those items are almost ALWAYS based on the character you kill to get them, which is immersive. Having personalized loot that has an RNG chance to actually be useful is not immersive or fun, its boring. There is no excitement to item drops in retail, oh cool I got an item, oh it didn’t Titanforge so its vendor trash…AWFUL, whats even worse is when you get 20g as your “personal loot” because giving people a small pittance of gold that doesn’t even cover 1 repair is super rewarding Blizzard, /facepalm.

No amount of “restarts” on a fresh server are gonna change the horrible end game itemization process.

Hahaha no.

Why would I want to play anything related to retail wow, even with bad features removed?

Alot of replies to read them all. But did someone really post that retail is just as challenging as classic?

Retail is dead to me. I can never go back to Retail.

Way forward is to rebuild WoW off of the classic base and not mess it up this go around. WoW Reboot os needed, New Generation of WoW based off of Classic initial design is needed with the added option of better graphics to keep up with the times.

My biggest reason for hating on retail is how quickly gear scales up. DPS shouldn’t go up by 400% from the first raid of an xpac to the last. It makes everything you do feel trivial because you know that the rewards you’re earning will soon be worthless. I also hate the constant repeated content for higher ilevel stuff. It’s a cheap way for blizz to add new “content”, but it’s boring. And then there’s Azerite… having to google new gear to figure out which bonuses were better got old fast. BFA is just a bad expansion.

I don’t know if/when I will return to Retail, but for now Classic is keeping me amused. I imagine the hype will die down after a few months, but for now it’s okay…


I started this thread a few days ago.

as a difference between them and difficulty?

how is that weird?

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"Would be pointless. This is just a complete misunderstanding of why people wanted classic.

They just can’t accept that retail is a bad game."

I vehemently disagree with this.

I would rather have the best of modern wow combined with the best of classic/vanilla.

Classic, is just a very good second choice.

What is a pristine realm? Is it just those things in Brack’s quote? If so, then no.

The problems with retail go much deeper than heirlooms and character boosts. Things like LFR/LFD, titanforging, transmog, “play the patch” design etc. should not exist.

It’s an MMO they are all time sinks. The idea that your favored one isn’t in some capacity focused on time sinks is laughable.

That would not fix PVP, or stat squish or any of the fundamental things that actually turn me off about retail. I would not play it.

Let’s see… Get rid of the store and all microtransactions. No more buying levels or mounts. Fix classes the way they used to be before retail was dumbed down and talents were destroyed. Then, perhaps, I would consider trying retail again.

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it’s not about why I like or don’t.

given enough time my grandma will reach max level in classic. and it doesn’t take much more than LFR monkeys to beat molten core.

however, put those people in front of a mythic raid on retail and they won’t kill it even after 500 pull.

one require nothing but time, the other require skill. You not being able to differentiate them is… weird, but unfortunately common.

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If you can’t see any difference between the difficulty of non end game raid content in classic vs retail I’m not going to convince you otherwise.

It’s just weird how many people defend retail difficulty when their ONLY line is “but the mythic raids…”

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the mythic raid… or the mythic dungeon… or the heroic raid… or the skill-based PvP … heck, even the normal mode raid is about on par with naxx. less gear check but more mechanics.

so yeah, just about any group activity.

it’s just weird how many people defend classic difficulty when their only line is ‘’ but it take soo long to level up’’


I haven’t said anything about how long it takes to level up. Who are you talking to?

Not even sure why people would play Classic for only PVE. PVP is where Classic shines. Retail is a joke by comparison.

oh sorry.

I wasn’t aware the classic zealot had any other argument to justify classic ‘difficulty’.

so, what is it? reputation grind? downranking spells? not falling alseep during one of the various 20min long flight?

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probably because they’ve been at it for 15 years now, and the skill floor to get good is ridiculously high / completely pug unfriendly.

You’re not arguing in good faith so not going to waste my time. Take care.