For those in the back (RE: new Horde intros)

It’s too bad development didn’t tell you to take what you see in alpha with a grain of salt. …oh wait, they did.

“The lines are being updated. Changes will appear in a future build. It’s alpha, so they (and other things) are always subject to change.”

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aren’t you supposed to complain about things in an alpha, to signify people want it changed?


Great. You can take the snarky part out of your post, though. Not sure what else you or Blizzard expected since they included this in the build for people to find. Did you expect people to ignore it?


I cannot wait for the next thing in the alpha to overreact to!!! :smiley:

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double down on the snark imo i need something to balance the flavor of the whine as i peruse the forums

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They said they wanted feedback too. They got it. lol


To be devil’s dumb-dumb’s advocate for a sec. What if the outrage changed their minds?

Maybe we should still voice our concerns about stuff in alpha and beta before it becomes part of live.


Hold on, now they’re rewriting history to make Forsaken villains? They clearly want to protect the living.

How does this make sense when the Alliance is so evil?


This is true. It wasn’t in a playable part of alpha, however. Overreaction to datamined info in a build is one thing. Criticism of something in a playable part of the build is another.

Gotta watch em like a hawk this XP!

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lol you know what? I can’t even argue with that. True true.

And teldrassil is still ignored, nice.

Did something happen with Teldrassil?

only this

Cool, and then he thanks people for pointing it out cos that’s the point of Alpha and Beta.

To be honest, the point of alpha and beta are to test for bugs. Not to tell narrative design what story to tell. I get what your point is, though.