For those against sharding at launch

Having many servers that merge is basically sharding though.

No, it’s not. Merging servers means either A) you lose your name, your guild, your community, or B) everyone gets the surname of their original server (like how connected realms work in live) which is just annoying AF. It’s incredibly immersion breaking to see: Swiftleaf-Mal’Ganis as someone’s name. -_-


Yeah that’s true. Mal’ganis was the server I played on before they randomly put me on Anatheron because my account was down for 10 years :laughing:

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Also connected realms double or triple (or more) the number of alts you can have on a single gold economy, which increases gold inflation.

not anymore. they lifted the character cap per server.

True. They wouldn’t do either approach for Classic, right?

I hate to tell you this, but a perfect recreation won’t have the same community because the world moved on. Trade chat will talk about Trump, not Bush (or no politics). Your old guildies have quit, moved on, or if you’re lucky enough, may link back up.

I want Classic to last, not become a shell after the wave is gone. Look at games like Pokemon Go. Millions of players immediately at launch, and then a huge drop off afterwards. Nostalgia is what’s bringing us all back, but nostalgia for something 15 years old should not blind you to realities of how to make Classic last.

#nochanges is a myth, because you’re not 15 or 20 or whatever. Your world has changed, the mindset of players has changed. Lets aim for #ClassicForever, not #StubbornDestruction.


We won’t have connected realms or more character slots. They’ll merge servers and make you delete something.

Sharing in starting zones even with 20? or 30? (who knows yet how large a shard is) players per shard and no dynamic swawns still means plenty of competition for the -: kill things to get x drop … when there are only 8 things to kill, and they drop the item maybe 1 time in 4, bad enough on your own… fighting with 10 plus other people for the item will still be crazy, trying to do it with 200? 400? with no sharding other people, you would take hours to do a simple quest, no fun for me; make me stop playing.
AQ opening event - lots of people standing around gawking , so no need for sharding.

I hope for the sake of Vanilla, that there’s more than 20 or 30 people in a shard. Durotar can easily handle 150 people on the Vanilla base and I’m pretty sure there were more in the original.

If 600 people want to be in Durotar on a server, they should have 3-4 shards, not 30, for the vanilla feel.


So did Vanilla and every expansion, yet every launch besides Legion and BfA were total disasters.

I’m not sure what option they have beside sharding.

You either hardcap it and add a queue and people will complain. You let everyone in and share it. You let everyone in and increase spawns.

It’s a lose, lose, lose sitatuion.

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Only one of those is authentic to vanilla, though, right?

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We’re not getting 100% authentic, we’re getting a replica of 1.12 vanilla though.

Also vanilla had servers down for entire weeks. Mal ganis was down and up for like five days after launch.

So if we all want real authentic vanilla, then they should replicate server crashes and hot fixes and also whole servers being down for days. Right?

At the end of the day blizzard is going to do what they want. If the community’s suggestion fits within something they’ve already outlined, we reach compromises.

Look at loot trading. We compromise. Phases? We compromised. We’ve compromised on so many things.

Blizzard wants sharding. If we can compromise like we’ve done before, we can make it so it is just in the starting zones for a set amount of time. Then it goes away. Forever. For good.

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Private servers are hosted legally in EU countries because the EU has laws to protect citizens from ludicrous EULA and TOS agreements.

I’m sorry, you must live in the US and A, the glorious bastion of freedom where you can get sued into oblivion for running open source code, none of which was developed at Blizzard Entertainment / Activision-Blizzard, and connecting with a client which you paid for.

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20-30 people per shard? no thanks. bump that number up.

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So misguided. Open source code that is being used for the specific purpose to serve and utilize someone else’s intellectual property. And that is against the EULA and TOS which is not ludicrous.


Private server people use funny mental gymnastics to justify playing on stolen property.


How is what I said misguided? EU law disagrees with you.

except it’s not the countries laws you are from that apply in these types of situations. it’s the countries laws that the product is from.