For those against sharding at launch

So lets all band together, accept that some sharding will happen, and demand that Blizzard ‘retune’ the sharding so that we get a better and more authentic experience, instead of fighting between Legion Sharding and No Sharding.

Provide the compromise that the community can be ok with, and demand that Blizzard implement it.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if 25,000 is the max Classic ends up having. Probably even less.

No matter how fun it is, some folks are so diehard #NoChanges that even the few minor changes Blizzard had to make are too much.

On top of that, you’ve got people who’ll give Classic a look even though they’re dedicated to Retail, and end up not sticking with it because Retail is more their thing.

And then you’ve got folks who’d leave in droves because server queues and disconnects are not the experience we’ve come to expect from Blizzard.

And then you’ve got the people who’re advocating regularly-scheduled character wipes just to “keep the game fresh” in the absence of expansions, who cynically believe the only reason you’d ever play an RPG or an MMO is the gear/content treadmill and not simply because the game is fun. That approach will ALSO drive people away should Blizzard go with it.

No matter how you look at it, there’s just no way Blizzard really wins with Classic. It’s not a full game release, it’s a museum piece that we can just happen to play in if we want. And it has to be run in accordance with Blizzard’s modern hardware and modern business practices or it’s going to be even less successful than it would be otherwise.

Let’s all band together and hold Blizzard to their word.

Let’s all let Blizzard know that we expect sharding to be used ONLY in the starting areas and ONLY for a brief time at launch and that ANY use of sharding beyond those geographical and time limits for ANY reason is unacceptable.


100% with you. I just want a slight tweak to that that they don’t use 20-50 person Legion Sharding, and investigate making it 200-500 so that the effect is far less invasive.

200 people in one zone crashed a server.

It won’t be a cap that high.

50 is more than enough, given that Classic’s zones are so small compared to Retail’s modern ones.

That’s pretty pessimistic.

This is the Internet. In reality, people are going to scream and whine and moan about how Blizzard is destroying their game, while their auto-renew sub continues and they log in on Classic Day One armed with redbull and levelling guides. An almost the same Vanilla is far better than Retail or nothing. If they were against minor imperfections, Private Servers would never have been successful.

Yep, that’s the plan. Millions of stickybeaks, and looky-loos who leave because the game is too hard for them. But they’re still taking up server slots for the first few weeks.

Unless we avoid the queues and disconnects, and the experience is everything that made Blizzard great.

They can advocate. And when Blizzard adds a new server, they’ll rush over there to level, and then rush to the next new server etc. Happened in Vanilla, will happen again in Classic. Not a problem.

Blizzard can quite happily win, if the number of subs that don’t play Retail is higher than the cost of the servers and development. Anything extra is gravy.

A zone running a completely different level of models and elements. Vanilla doesn’t have the same demands on the system.

If they implement max 50 caps, I will be upset, but get out of the levelling zones as fast as possible.

WoW Vanilla is a marathon not a sprint right?

Why does it matter if the launch day is not the best for speed levelers?

Wouldn’t launch day be successful if 3000 players are able to log in on a server at all?

If there’s not enough quest mobs, then players can find other fun things to do, like group up in raids, and go exploring in mass. Or they can just hang out and party because after all “VANILLA WOW IS FINALLY RETURNED!”

There will be winners and losers on day 1 of WoW Classic. But… in the long run WHO CARES?! Being the best on your server, or #1 anything other than first level 20 will take a lot of effort, and day 1 won’t be what throws off 99% of the playerbase from getting to any major goal.

For me launch would be best served if we know in advance what servers there will be.

And can servers have 600 players in one zone at once without performance problems?

Does having that many cause the server to progressively get worse performance?

Other than that, the rest of the day 1 if all I or anyone else got to do was kill one boar, that’d be a good day.

It’s Vanilla, alive again. Save your races for future server launches. Leave the integrity of the game alone, and somehow even faults are integrity, don’t forget that.

Good luck in server dominance and server firsts after launch. But leave Launch day for celebration.

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Okay I was wrong. It was 500 players, I just looked this up.

And… the models and such are all client-side, not server-side. The models are on your computer, not on Blizzard’s servers. Blizzard’s servers are only for numeric data.

Launch day won’t be a celebration if people can’t log in to begin with.

Because it will drive away people who might have otherwise tried the game, loved it and moved forward to become a regular player.

“Go away and wait in line” is not a way to capture the interest of people who aren’t already dedicated to Vanilla.

Evidence that 200-500, sharding at 400 into two new 200 zones is a great metric for dense but stable zones.

Good riddance to those players. They will just complain about the game systems anyways. It is a marathon.

Agreed, and thus number of servers matter. It does not matter if Day One, you can not roll on your chosen server. Just have a good time. Go and be with other people. The hype build up will continue.


… And this is how Classic fails. Not with a bang, but an obnoxious whimper.

…Wait… just did some extra checking…

Okay so Swifty crashed the servers back in Cata with 500 people in one zone.

Apparently Asmongold even more recently crashed the servers with 120+.

When the hell did the technology get WORSE?!

Watching that video, it was 120+ on the Alliance. He rode into a major capital city where guaranteed there was far more than 200 people on the other faction already there. Including Cross Realm too.

Hmmm. I see. Still, doesn’t bode well for unsharded servers…

Is this a troll, or are you that misinformed about the playerbase for Classic?

Just to reiterate Blizzard’s statements about why they’ll use Sharding at launch.

They know that there should only be one Kazzak. They know the Devilsaur Mafia should be allowed to form, so we can eviscerate it later. They know that there should be limited access. The know that the server community being able to see each other is important.

But they also know they need to have a relatively clean launch in order for the product to do well.

That’s completely absurd.