For those against sharding at launch

I don’t know. I’m not a miracle worker.

This. If folks want to avoid this chaos, they can do exactly what we do now and have always done, take a week off before joining the game and avoid playing on launch.

And lets be real. If Blizzards servers can’t handle high classic traffic, then they have some serious hardware issues. This isn’t 2004 anymore, technology is significantly better than it was and we’re not all on dial-up any longer.


WoW: Classic isn’t 100% “original 2006 WoW” though.

At best it’s a 95%.

95% and still ten orders of magnitude better than any private server.

The other tool is opening too many realms and dealing with the fall back from that which can be just as bad or worse than sharding.

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Objectively worse since that actually WILL lead to communities crumbling once merges start happening.

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well then, i guess you’re just going to have to deal with queues.

i’m fine with sharding at launch. i’m not fine with sharding after launch. which is basically what laeric wants since he never wants to deal with queues.

Or… deal with limited doses of sharding. Or, more realistically, a lower population than most people here think we will have.

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In theory according to blizzard the numbers should stabilize relatively soon after launch and there naturally won’t be any need for sharding.

But yeah I take that with a huge grain of salt.

There are far too many unknown variables in this. Which is why people are worried, naturally.

Ideally the modern servers would be robust enough that neither sharding nor login qeues would ever be needed, but realistically (and knowing firsthand what sort of effect – and how often – dumb decisions made by corporate execs affect the boots on the ground), I don’t believe this to be the case.

Exactly and I will go a step further. I’ve said this multiple times on these forums but if Blizzard continues sharding beyond the first few weeks in beginning zones alone I WILL NEVER BUY OR PLAY A BLIZZARD ANYTHING EVER AGAIN!!

But some of the people here are just acting silly and vitriolic.

If you don’t trust Blizzard then how did you ever think they would do it well? The amount of mistrust you’ve flaunted in this thread contradicts the idea that they would EVER get Classic right.

I understand being very critical, I understand not wanting to trust Blizzard with this sort of tool and I understand not wanting to risk it. But there is a difference between accepting what they’ve said and making it known that if they go against their word that they will lose everything compared to just dealing in absolutes acting like they cannot be trusted whatsoever.

If you don’t trust them whatsoever then don’t bother with Classic or Blizzard ANYTHING. But to want Classic to succeed you need to have SOME faith in Blizzard.

Then there’s this stupid argument. I don’t mean to be asinine but expecting servers to be dead for Classic rather than funneling everyone into servers with better expectations of the longevity of said servers by using a TEMPORARY tool for the first 10 levels only.

I am sorry but community is not made in those first ten levels. You might make some friends, you might have some experiences you won’t forget, God knows I did in my first ten levels, but it is not an end all be all. WPVP will not be there. Needing help for dealing with certain situations will not be an issue still as they will shard only enough to make the servers stable.

And as they’ve stated it is temporary. If they said 1-10 zones were permanent sharding then I’d be screaming on these forums. First two weeks to a month TOPS will go by so fast it will be gone before you know it.

Dead realms was an issue. Dead realms were not part of the game design. They were not part of what made Vanilla great. In fact I argue the exact opposite. Vanilla had dead realms yes, but dead realms increased AFTER Vanilla. A dead server has little to no community, Vanilla and thusly Classic will RELY ON COMMUNITY. So arguing that dead servers should be a part of Classic is the same as arguing that we should all be playing on Dial up with old giant monitors in our old bedrooms because that was “part of the vanilla experience”. It was not by design, it was not part of what made the game, it does not belong.

Again. I completely agree that if sharding goes beyond the first few weeks or beyond the first 1-10 level zones then there WILL BE A PROBLEM. Sharding murdered my home server in current WoW. I have ABSOLUTE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR IT. . . But at the same time I will be sensible enough to understand a need for easing the launch of the CLassic servers for overall Classic’s health. That is where we differ between people accepting the temporary sharding and those not accepting it.

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Are you guys really worried about sharding after launch? What would possibly even need sharded after launch? Any event that happens later in vanilla won’t even have a sliver of the amount of people in one area as launch will.

“YoU hAvE a SoUrCe fOr ThAt”

Yeah every single server that has ever opened vanilla and a little bit of common sense

Gates of AQ event easily comes to mind. That event has historically led to crashing servers and login qeues just from the sheer amount of people clogging Silithus when it happened.

Some folks around here find that awesome. I personally find it obnoxious.

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Blizzard has made me a jaded.

i agree. limited doses of sharding. launch. there is your limited dose. no sharding after that.

There’s a massive difference between launch and AQ gates.

Launch will bottleneck ALL players including tourists, people testing the waters and those who would otherwise just do silly things.

AQ gates will require high levels only, people invested in the AQ event only, be at a much later time thus less people will be on overall and the tourists and those testing waters will be dramatically reduced.

While I do agree there is risk, and I do understand the insecurity of sharding, I also feel that Blizzard’s staff for Classic have been fairly decent with their idea of listening to us and making choices based on these forums as we have seen in the recent updates.

This is why I always say that line. That if it continues, I will forget Blizzard and their games ever existed. We need to make sure that they know that there is serious vitriolic hate towards the prospect of sharding. And while I may argue against those here who hate the idea of sharding at the start I am glad they are doing it because it only flaunts our negativity towards it even more! I hope they continue, I hope I get responses to my reply above this one to argue against it still just so that the devs who read this further get the instilled point that sharding is something we ALL HATE.

The reasons for sharding remain regardless. If there’s too many players for the available servers something has to happen.

i worry because we got a group of people who are all for blizzard sharding whenever and everywhere.
laeric wants there to be zero queues, which means permanent sharding.

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Crashing as in… on private servers? Or vanilla? Both of which related to modern blizzard… how? The game use to crash on crossroads raids. Private servers have 5 times the cap that a normal vanilla server would have. After launch, there won’t be anywhere near the amount of people in one area ever again. Especially if they are planning on using the plan they suggested and just increasing caps for launch.

it’s simple - open more servers.