For every 1 time I am ganked, I will gank 2 low level players

You can do all that on a pvp realm.

Plus you have the added benefit of when you need a break, you can hunt people down. Form rivalries. Idk. Being scared of world pvp doesn’t make much sense to me, but to each their own. The only pvp you get coming from bgs seems real dull.


I wouldn’t call someone valuing their own time and desires being afraid of world pvp


Yea that’s cool. I’d say that people who don’t play on pvp realms are scared of world pvp though. It’s not like you lose anything when you die, and the adventures get pretty raucous out here. Especially on a faction balance enforced realm. Enjoy battle grounds I guess, plenty of people here for me to play with =)


I’m MCing alliance off the BB/Ratchet boat and it’s awesome :slight_smile:


Not being interested in something doesn’t mean you’re afraid of it

In fact, I’d argue that insisting otherwise is, because it carries the implication that you think people who play on PvP servers are better in some way than people who don’t, and by that merit is an attempt to flex your ego

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You prolly walk back to your body A LOT.


It is. That said, who cares about being weak when:

I haven’t played on a PvP server since my level 30-something warrior that has been sitting in STV since 2006. 100% a quitter. No damns given.

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Meh, sure am sorry I’m missing out on hour long corpse runs into BRM. Whatever shall I do to contain my grief.

That said, who am I to yuck someone’s yum? If they enjoy it, I’m glad for them and wish them the best. I just don’t want to be involved.


Preaching to the choir here, chief. :+1:

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I can do all of that while engaging in World PvP, which is another good chunk of the purpose of the game. So, yes, an opportunity is missed when World PvP does not exist in the picture. In Classic, World PvP was a tenant of the game, and differs greatly compared to BGs.

Just report the people who gank you and get 9 other friends or guild mates to do the same. Poof they get logged off and muted for a week.

I rolled pvp server because 1.) all my friends went pvp for the first time in classic and 2.) I haven’t played on a pvp server in so long I thought I could get through leveling without ever getting mad.

I was wrong. After getting killed 8 times by the same rogue in badlands within an hour I was not enjoying the game anymore. I then went on to get killed 3 times by a group of 4 alliance outside uldaman for the crime of running in a direction. I 100% took my frustrations out on the solo mage questing next to where they ganked me after they left.


I’m leveling in ZF rn so yea, there’s some walking back involved. That said, nah I haven’t lost a fight yet.

I know people who play in PvP realms are better than those who play on PvE realms lol. In TBCC just before the realms went completely 100% PVE, I moved a character to Atiesh and ran a guild. The caliber of player was much lower, the median age seemed much higher; and in general it was just a snooze fest.

Seriously though, my ego is unchecked or unchallenged by people being afraid of world PvP. It’s not a flex. I learned a while ago there are a lot of people who play this game with a lot of weird anxieties and it never made sense to me.

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Are you a mage

its 2024 most people are just going to spam dungeons to 60 anyways.

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This is reality.

If you dont play on pvp server you are MOST LIKELY not only a worse player, but also a weaker caliber of human.

You guys always frame the topic in the scenario where you’re a victim poor lvl 20 getting camped by a 60. In reality you level up how everyone else is leveling then you’re 60.

Now that you’re 60 the server allows you to wpvp and rank while you farm herbs/mines around the world. Or set up in choke points for fights in unique locations instead of arathi basin for the 10,000th time.

You literally are missing out on half the game by not playing on a pvp realm. An optional choice chosen by weaker people. You can argue against this, but will anyone listen to a limp wristed pve player? I think not lol.

(Half sarcasm, calm down, :nerd_face:)

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LOL do people honestly think this way

wait which half though

An angry Cow is healthy for the server. Nothing greater than witnessing a Tauren unleash their wrath on to their enemies. I once rolled Alliance, and always /moo’d at the Tauren assaulting me. It felt empowering, just as empowering as killing a Tauren. Whether I won or lost, it felt great combatting against a Tauren. It’s in the face and the sounds that they make. Very rewarding.

But, I bet it DID feel great to gank those who ganked you. Now, imagine organizing people from within the zone to combine their efforts against those gankers. The experience would have been 100% more enjoyable.


Thanks for proving my point. It is the most fragile person that beats their chest the hardest