Font size, not UI

My eyesight isn’t what is used to be. After this latest patch, it blew up the UI so much it takes up too much of the screen. Especially when raiding, mousing over and right clicking raid frames is getting irritating.

Obviously there is the UI scale. I’m trying to find a balance of everything fitting neatly, while being able to read it. UI scale turned all the way down, or close to it, looks great. Placement and sizes, all it needs is a larger font size. Not even that much, but can’t find a medium ground here. Either the UI is huge and in the way, or UI looks good but font text gets so small I have to shove my face into the monitor to read it.

Saw some stuff about .cfg files. I tried some, but no change and they were posted some time ago… I’m sure stuff has changed with these over time.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Answered my own question here… Scale UI Font addon did the trick.