Follower Equipment in BfA

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has ever got anything back from missions…

Quite a while back, I crafted a “Tempest Hide Pouch” and equipped it on one of my followers. Tooltip says: “Chance to bring back skins or hides from successful missions”

All my missions are successful, as I never take one under 100% and I have never seen any skins or hides brought back.

Not sure if I should waste more mats on that if it really doesn’t work.

Do they actually bring back stuff?



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Your followers are bringing back the skins and hides.

They just aren’t sharing them with you.

Fire them. Violently.



All the follower equipment that got chance to bring back something got very low chance, they aren’t worth for me to craft or use. I suggest the blacksmith one for 10% chance of succes or 20% reduction of time or even the leatherworking one for 10% chance of sucess for each different troop.


oh i didn’t even know we had that stuff this expansion :thinking:

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I have had good luck with the herb returns. Otherwise, I primarily use the +10% chance of success which may either be crafted or purchased for 100 resources. I do have at least one follower with the anti-stealth mission vial.

ewww - you made a lw one - what a waste.

Yes, they do bring stuff back. I have fishing and herbalism ones.

Thanks for the replies… Yeah, I had a LW one, because I am a LW, so I crafted it myself.

I didn’t know there was some for herbs and ore. Thank you for pointing that out. Will take a trip to AH next time I am on.

Which profession crafts the herb and ore follower equipment?

Alchemy for the herbs, and blacksmithing for the ores. If you want my personal opinion, if you plan to do anything raiding / m+ related this expansion, try to find the azerite extractor made by engineers. it gives 25ap around every 2-3 missions. Doesnt sound like much but it adds up.

I haven’t even bothered with follower equipment. I just do missions to get rep tokens so I can get paragon chests.

I find it easier to just put on the Bonus completion ones, the +5% from the vendor for 200 resources and the LW crafted one that gives +10% extra for each troop.

I just use Platinum Whetstones and Storm Silver Spurs.