Follower Dungeons - Initial Daily Limit

Then submit a report on it.

These things are so slow and tedious that this limit must be a requirement of some Geneva Convention treaty.

The only use I can see for them is for learning how to tank or heal the dungeons without worrying about screwing up and embarrassing yourself. For that they are really quite excellent! And in fact, having the option to adjust difficulty even higher (in exchange for reduced rewards even) would be useful as a training tool.

But for XP/gear/leveling, OMG, just no. A regular dungeon-finder normal with (likely over-geared) humans goes way faster and smoother.

Though I have to say their AI is really VERY impressive. The tank and healer are great. I’d just like to see a DPS buff to the whole thing so it’s not so exhausting.

Maybe give us the same speed and rewards as a normal LFG run but limit us to even fewer runs per day so people will still do LFG too. Like if I could only do two of these a day that would be fine w/me.

But I’m sure they will monitor this, and if nobody is using the Follower Dungeons after the first week then maybe something will get tuned.

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Why? I see nothing wrong with the way it works now.


… to get the article changed if it’s true?

It’s not punishing people, it’s putting a limit. You could argue you would be punished if the feature were removed entirely. Them being cautious with the launch isn’t a bad thing.


Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that unleashing a ton of people into limited resources could potentially cause problems. Have y’all never been here for a rough launch? (Or on any other game… Work software release… etc.)

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I just wanted to use them for leveling alts. :grimacing:


Sensible. It’ll work out fine.

Limiting normal dungeons?

Other than novelty and maybe learning to tank/heal, it’s already going to get very little use when it’s limited to normal mode. This is baffling.


The XP is severely gimped, so that’s not going to work out.

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:person_shrugging: It doesn’t affect me and it’s not worth my time. I’d rather they actually started QCing the game over support articles anyways.

GG to that. Back to Dragonriding races it is.

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You’re the one who made a big deal out of it.

One has nothing to do with the other. Support articles are for both staff and us to know, in print, how everything works. Support articles exist for many major companies, including Apple.

This conversation wasn’t even worth the time.

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I hope it doesn’t take long, I was planning to use Follower Dungeons to try and learn tanking, first by trying out each available spec and then after that running a bunch of dungeons on whichever spec I decide to learn.


to prevent abuse.

It’s ten dungeons per day.

You can still do all of that comfortably, I promise. I would imagine that after ten runs of follower dungeons in one single day on any given spec, you’d be more then prepared to queue for a Normal with other people.

You still can. Just have to spread it out a bit. Maybe run the 10 and then go with friends for more learning?


This is good, I’m sure so many instances created for 1 person will be a lot of server power.

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Oh? I merely corrected what you stated and you started going on about how a support article says something different, how you never did it and how I should submit a bug report lol. While going “if it’s true” as if I’m making this up. Something it can take you a whopping 5 minutes to verify.

But now you’re reverting to your disrespectful quips like

Sorry I disappointed you Rhielle/Thallia.


I’d never put anyone through that, not even friends, lol, every time I’ve tried tanking before it has gone VERY badly.

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