"Focused Attacks" Rogue Talent only proc'ing from Main Hand hits of Fan of Knives

Confirmed bugged for me too.

Tested with multiple weapons, mob counts and poison applications.

This means FoK is severely under performing


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underperforming at 30k dps?

10/16 still bugged :upside_down_face:

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Thank you for posting. I hope this is fixed soon.

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bump still bugged

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I understand that it seems like we’re complaining that our bed of gold coins we’re sleeping on isn’t comfortable. But that’s not the point of this post. It’s to document an interaction that is behaving differently from how these things worked in the original release of Wrath of the Lich King, and that is acting differently from how the in-game tooltips inform us these things work. Focused Attacks says all melee critical strikes should return 2 energy. And this is exactly how it works for all auto attacks (main-hand and off-hand), Mutilate (Main-hand and Off-hand), and all other abilities we have, except Fan of Knives.

Put simply, it’s not consistent. And all we’re asking for is consistency. The tooltip and other data in the game suggests main-hand/off-hand doesn’t matter when trying to proc focused attacks. We have video evidence that Fan of Knives Off-hand hits should proc the Focused Attacks energy return. And in game currently, this is not the case. So, it’s not consistent in behavior, it doesn’t match the tooltip, and thus is a bug. We’re just asking for the in-game behavior to match the tooltip.


FIX THIS. Fix this clear bug ASAP ! Rogues shouldn’t be mega nerfed like this due to a bug.

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Bump. Still bugged

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bumped still buged with wearing an ogre suit

confirmed still bugged as of 10/18

Literally 50% of the expected energy, not a small bug :frowning: :frowning:

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Bump, please fix :slight_smile:

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Yea it’s a huge loss

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Still a problem. Please take a look at it :slight_smile:

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Sudden Death clearly says it allows execute to keep 10 rage, and it doesnt all the time, so theyre going to change the tooltip specifically in classic wotlk to nerf it rather than fixing it to make it reflect the tooltip.

I understand though that since youre talking about a rogue issue youll likely get an entirely different response. Youll probably get buffed instead like pact locks did.

Meanwhile rogues doing 60k dps with Fan of Knives. thinking face

I’m sorry you are experiencing issues with warrior talents, but I’m not quite sure what that has to do with this thread which is specifically calling attention to the fact that the rogue talent Focused Attacks is not properly awarding energy from Fan of Knives offhand criticals.

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As of 10/20 still not working.

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Please fix :sleepy:

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Confirmed the interaction is still not working as of 10/23.

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