Focus was in Vanilla - Please Fix the API

We have layering, because we gave them feedback.

No, anyone explains how they can prove their “1.12 client” has raid frames in this day and age, isn’t playing against the WoW servers.

Layering = Sharding with a different name.

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You can claim that all you like, but we did get changes after feedback.

Nothing illegal about having a self contained server up and running. Emulation isn’t illegal.

I dont multibox and for what I want to do the focus id is the legit tool they gave us.
Im asking for a function that has been in the game since the burning crusade that was added to mimic functionality that was in vanilla

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Ah huh… right… yeah…

If it wasn’t official then it shouldn’t be official now


but you aren’t asking for it Eloraell is… or wait… GASPS have I been deceived?

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You know… because multiple people consider it a valid request. Its hard to grasp, but some people can actually read and understand the post’s request.

Yes but the post was requesting it, and therefore the poster would be requesting. The others would be in support. Unless of course you were the same person. You wouldn’t do that though would ya?



your feedback had absolutely nothing to do with a system they planned to keep the entire time. if you honestly think that them constantly dodging the sharding discussion whenever it came up, was at all an indication that they didnt want to do it, then you are very naive. it was because they knew for a fact that they were going to use it from the start but they had to dodge it to prevent further outrage. players started to compromise and give them feedback, fully accepting that blizzard was going to do it anyway. so their response? add the exact same thing with a different name.

but i am out of this topic, and this derailment.

Honestly I probably would but im typing on my phone and it would be a pain to change characters.

Come on Anzsu it’s fun. Stay a while and listen.

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You’re phone and 2 accounts/characters… that is a lot of typing.

See when you respond on the wrong person as if you were the other it derails the facade.

No we have been over this. I would but im too lazy so I didnt.

I did say OP. Are you the OP also by chance ?


They are but in denial.

Removed for TBC but focus by any other name is still a rose… or something.

Im Brockthorn too and probably Anzsu

Wow 4 characters/accounts and a phone… busy person you are.