By specific definition, the modern API only allows one action to be executed from any given macro. I understand that you still have little or no knowledge of this, but please don’t make definitive statements that have no basis in fact.
That’s gold even says casting spells without needing to manually target them. Then claims its not automation. Well if you aren’t manually doing it what is it Eloraell?
Something you used to be able to make multiple of in vanilla, Blizzard allow you to have one of in retail (because useful while being non-exploitative).
But so far in Classic, you can have none of.
Seems reasonable to at least be able to make the argument that something similar should be considered.
I’m saying that the macro I posted which you replied to, does not. And no-one is asking for the old model or methods, you’re just using them as your strawman because you can’t actually find a valid justification for the request.
focus is part of the modern API which we are using for Classic. Therefore, all the macros in Classic can only perform one action. Adding the focus unit ID does not change this, or provide any greater level of automation than we already have.
You simply can’t move past the original idea you had and didn’t read anything beyond a kneejerk reaction to argue. You are still arguing against Vanilla functionality simply because you are obsessed with opposing anything I post.
We are required to use the modern API for Classic. No-one is proposing we don’t. You don’t even understand what the focus unit ID does.
Nah that’s a script that allows you to use the word focus as a unit name, which you could change the word focus to anything. That’s not a focus target that is in current api now is it?